Traditional Cambodian Desserts

"I'm not an amazing cook. But I can follow a recipe!"

By: Sok SievLing

Cooking the Cambodian way aims to assist in preserving the culture and tradition of Cambodian desserts that has been done for generations. It is very significant to preserve our cultural heritage because it keeps our integrity as people and operates as an expression of our cultural identity. I saw the need for these recipes to be documented since younger generations have no longer appear to have an interest in continuing the traditions of their ancestors. Looking at our terrible events during the last three decades of the previous millennium, we have to recognize that our ancestors have a strong will to survive. Both of my products are particularly for Cambodians and international audiences. I hope this project will help to encourage youth and adults to remember and teach others about Cambodia and its culture. Importantly, it is to keep Cambodia on the map of the world and in our hearts.

Pumpkin Coconut Custard (Num Sangkhya L'poeu)

Tapioca Banana Pudding (Chek Ktiss)

Palm sugar glutinous rice ball dessert (Plae Ai)


Introductory Video


Sok Siev Ling - Personal Project (3).pdf


Recipe book

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