by Sereyvattanak Huot
"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed." - Stanley Kubrick
About The Project
Hello! Thank you for visiting my webpage! My name is Vattanak.
My Personal Project is Filmmaking!
I've created a short film of my own, which combines my interests of painting with filmmaking!
My goal for this film is to get others interested in filmmaking, inspire others to create short films of their own, as well as, most importantly, entertain people!
My short film follows the story of painter who, in the process of creating a new painting, reflects upon why he paints!
It's a bit long, almost 8 minutes, so feel free to save the video and watch it when you have time!
UPDATE: Official Selection for Chaktomuk Short Film Festival 2021!
Watch the film here!
Please wear earphones and set the YouTube quality to the highest level for the best possible viewing experience!
“If you want to make a movie, make it. Don’t wait for a grant, don’t wait for the perfect circumstances, just make it.” – Quentin Tarantino
The Report
If you would like to read my Personal Project Report, here it is!
It is quite long so read only if you want to. Or if you want to see the whole process behind this project.
You can see the whole story in this report, from my research, planning, to execution and evaluation.
Shots From The Film:
Here are some shots from the film! Beware of spoilers though...
"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story" - Orson Welles
Behind The Scenes:
These are some pictures which show the production and post-production process!
But beware of some spoilers...
Final Cut Pro X Project Timeline
Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below!
You can stay here if you want and play some bootleg flappy bird to pass the time!