the amount of times my elbow has knocked over my paint water is unexplainable

Take a look through my book!


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit and look through my page. A little backstory as to how my project came to be, throughout the course of 16 years in Cambodia, I have become alarmed by the decaying culture in our generation. In this state of realization, I understood the significance culture serves and why cultural awareness and appreciation are so important. As a Cambodian citizen, I have seen, firsthand, the effects of globalization, how foreign influence is being forced onto the country, thus pushing out cultural norms and traditions. Modernization of society has its benefits but severely endangers a country’s culture, leaving it at risk of perishment. In other words, my project strives to pay a contribution to the revival of culture in my home country. Over this 4-month long process in creating my product, I created a book comprised of art accompanied by textual aids that covers numerous aspects of Khmer culture. Furthermore, please have a flip-through through my book! I hope you enjoy :) - Rapin

have a skim through my report!

PP_ Report (1).pdf