Designing a sustainable house for the temperature and weather of Cambodia

By: Puthireach Sieng

"Sustainable development is the masterful balance of meeting our own needs without jeopardizing future generation's ability to do the same."

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the 2021 personal project virtual showcase.

My personal project is all about designing a sustainable house for the temperature and weather of Cambodia. To design the house, I had to consider different aspects of sustainability and incorporate it into my house's design. I had to consider different aspects of sustainability like materials used, the longetivity, energy production and etc. For my product that I have created, I used Sketch Up (a 3D modeling tool) to design my house virtually. Then, I rendered the virtual model to create a realistic look of the house.

I have always had an interest for architecture. I wanted to use this opportunity to explore the idea and see what its like to be an architect. I chose to base my design around sustainability because I believe that I should use my skills for a more worthwhile design rather than a house that is more focused on the looks. The goal for my project is to spread awareness of sustainable architecture, and show how a house can still look aesthetically pleasing, while being beneficial to the environment.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy looking through my project.


My product

Front design

Back design

My design in SketchUp


Thank you for checking my project!

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to write it in the padlet on the left. Thank you.