By Nikko

From Prey Veng to Takhmao For Rabbit School Organization


Welcome everyone,

My Personal Project aims to bring awareness to autism in Cambodia by running 100km and fundraising where all the proceeds go to Rabbit School Organisation. Please have a look < to the video attached for an introduction to my campaign

Outcome: Video blog

Video blog of our 100km charity run in the span 4 days (4th-7th Jan) from Prey Veng province to Takhmao for rabbit school. This run was joined with Cambodian Artist, Sai, on the last bit of his journey of 2,400km around Cambodia fir Angkor Children's Hospital, and my superwoman of a friend, Dalen. We were able to raise a total of USD 15,000 to help support children with intellectual disabilities.

I would like to give my eternal gratitude for all donors, to the Sabay Digital Media team, and RunwithSai's awesome crew, my family and friends, especially to those joining our last leg from Kien Svay to Takhmao for the constant support and helping to make this all happen!

Personal Project Report-Nikko

Personal Project Report

Nikko Chy_academichonesty (1) (1) (1).pdf

Academic Honesty Form