The Mauritian Identity

By Nadeesh Daby

" Enn pei, Enn nasion, ek enn destin'

Hi, Ladies and gents.

This is Nadeesh here and I want to welcome you all wholeheartedly to this week's virtual personal project and also to my Project's page. In brief, I will be sharing with you all about my country. It will include facts and information, you want to know about my country. Hope you enjoy it and once again

Thanks for coming!

Personal Project report- ND Final

My Report

Photos of my product + description

For my product, I did a brochure. I did a brochure because I thought that it was going to be easier for people to read and also they could take their time instead of rushing through it. For the production of the brochure, I have used Canva. Canva was very helpful even if though I was new to use it to do my product.