Beauty Of Cambodia

Let us trust in the faith of Kampuchea, the empire which challenges the ages

By: Liza

Hello, welcome to my personal project page ;)

Throughout my personal project journey, my one and only goal was to shed light on the beauty of Cambodia. When the topic of Asian countries arises, Cambodia is often overlooked. Not everyone is able to see and experience the beautiful aspects Cambodia possess, it is one thing to hear about it but another to experience it. My picture book was a medium for me to show others Cambodia's true beauty and encapsulate my personal experience and adventures when I was venturing around Cambodia.

I hope you all love the book as much as I loved making it :)

Cambodia is so much more than what meets the eyes, no wonder it's called The Kingdom of wonders.

Love <3

Liza XD

My product (picture book)

Personal Project Slides .pptx

My report

Liza_Personal Project report - Liza Sok.pdf

Check this out :p


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