
By Kimsian Heng

03 Agape.m4a

Enjoy some complimentary music while reading this page, hope you enjoy!⬆️

"Rules. There are no rules. Do whatever you want."

- Grant Achatz

uh interpret this quote however you like but please do wisely! By scrolling down further, you agree that I take no responsibilities for any damages you cause. Thank you!

Link to book is in my website, link to website down below!


Hello, first and foremost big thank you for checking out my personal project.

My personal project is about Molecular Gastronomy (wow, very fancy. whats that?) Most people say it's a "fancier" way to say cooking, it's more than that. It's a different way of interacting with food and cooking. I hope to be able to show everyone what molecular gastronomy is and maybe get people into cooking.

Cooking has always been something I found fun, to mix random ingredients and sauces to make something. Isn't that every child's dream? no? oh well. Cooking was something I took seriously last year, it wasn't something I found annoying but more of something to get away from school. Even though it's tiring and long and the final product disappears in minutes, the process and being able to cook for others is worth it.

I hope you get something out of this personal project. Below this section are videos and links to my project, don't forget to check my website out, it has all the information about my project. A big thanks beforehand.


If you have any questions or anything to say, please leave it down below.

My Project

My Website & Cookbook

Hello, thank you for checking out my personal project. Below and beside this text is a button and a QR code which will link you to my website where I have all my videos, pictures and my cookbook. Anything relating to my personal project will be there. Take a look!

there's also a live chat feature where you can message me and the messages goes to me, not a bot! PS: don't worry, it's anonymous; unless you sign in.

Instagram Page

Scan the code and get directed to the IG Page

Website QR Code

Scan the QR code and get directed to the website

Kimsian Heng- Personal Project Report (1).pdf

Questions and Comments

Leave any comments and questions you have about the project.

Hi, this is the end of the my page. Thank you for reading everything (if you did), hope you learnt something new today. Bye! PS: nice eyes since you can also read this, very good.