By <Hideki Mitori>

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible"

Hi, thank you very much for visiting my website!

My personal project is about building a brand new PC by myself! My goal for my project is to inspire and persuade other people to get and build themselves a PC. I myself am a super tech guy and I love machines, devices, and games. It was my long-time dream to get a PC and I finally had the chance to build one as my personal project.

This project forced me to bring myself out of my comfort zone and do the impossible. Before I actually started building my PC, I was very nervous, scared, and worried about what I was about to do because just the sound of building a PC made the whole process complicated and techy. However, now that I have completed my project, I am proud to say that I am confident in building PCs.

Remember to bring yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things!

I appreciate your time,




Video Intro

Personal project
