< DIY Air Purifier >

By <HangThirithTek>

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; It's about learning to dance in the rain ''

-Vivian greene

Hi! My name is Thirith and welcome to my page,

Currently, in the air, the CO2 emission that is being emitted daily is causing various health issues to the people around the world. Responding to this problem I decided to create a DIY air purifier to help solve and spread awareness of this crisis.

This project was also intended to help increase the creativity and innovatively of people, by using this opportunity to help both the environment and themselves.

I hope this project will inspire you to create a project like mine as well.

Thank you!

Video Introduction

Here's a video of myself introducing my Project and demonstrating how it works.

Check it out if you want to.



  • Battery

  • Air filter

  • Fan

  • On/Off button

  • Rectangular Shape boards (Any type)

  • Wires

  • scissor

  • ruler

  • Glue Gun

  • Paint

How does it work?

  • The fan will be absorbing the air through the filter in order for the filter to capture all the harmful particles in the filter. (Polluted air basically air that is filled with harmful particles such as dust, dirt, soot, and smoke. )

  • There will be 2 places to store the battery to power the fan and there will also be a button for turning it on and off. ( The battery will be wired to the button on the side and the fan will be wired to the button on the other side, this will give the on/off button to either transfer the energy to the fan or not)

Want To Check out my Report?

2nd Hang Thirith Tek - Personal Project_ recycable polluted air absorber Draft (2).pdf

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