plantbased cooking by coolyn

" be a part of the solution, not a part of the pollution'

Hello reader, welcome to my page :)

My personal project revolves around the topic of sustainability and plant-based eating. I have noticed that our kitchen habits have made us culprits to this global crisis we call, climate change. The global environmental crisis is no stranger to us. We have recognized its effects but its urgency has yet to be acted upon. As a fortunate student with the priviledge of raising awareness, explore global concerns and execute solutions, I took this chance to create a vegetarian cookbook.

This project strives to tend to this flaw by calling upon audiences to reevaluate their choices, implement minor actions, and change to a willing mindset of this new dietary solution for the betterment of our planet. This book should address the concerns then introduce the solutions and provide a variety of recipes that will get the readers started on a new journey.

Remember that every change matters!

You will never change the world by being just like it.

With love,


Coolyns Final Personal Project Report 2021.pdf
Cookbook finished.pdf

check out my final product <3

here are my proudest dishes

go to my book for the full recipe!

pp document.mp4

a condensed summary of the exhausting process

final pp

a personal introduction from me about my project