The Law of Attraction

Chetra Sreng

“When you become the master of your mind,

you become the master of everything.”

Swami Satchidananda

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Growing up I played a lot of sports and took things probably a little too seriously at times, I looked up to many players and athletes with every single one of them having a unique mindset of their own, yet they all projected the same aura of confidence that gave them a mental edge over their opponents. With something so physical like professional sports, those that were at the top were there not because they were anymore physically gifted than their adversaries, but rather it was their mindset that had separated them from the good and enlisted themselves with the shortlist of greats, this was what inspired my choice in choosing my personal project topic. The law of attraction, rules and, "laws" in which help create the mindset necessary for one to achieve and manifest things desirable to one's self.

Thanks for coming! Check out my product below (video) with more in-depth detail of the law of attraction.

Chetra Personal Project Report

Personal Project Report