Evolution of Khmer Architecture

By: Bun Phorn Taing

'An exploration on how architecture evolved from ancient to modern in Cambodia'

Hello and welcome to my MYP Personal Project exhibition. The topic for my 2020-2021 MYP Personal Project is the evolution of Khmer architecture. As a child I have always been interested in architecture and house design. I've always considered sketching houses and building them in games like Minecraft very entertaining. As this Project is an opportunity for grade 10 students to use their academic skills to explore and investigate their areas of interests, I've decided to focus my topic on architecture.

Throughout my project, I have researched about the modern architectural style that emerged in Cambodia during the 60s, commonly referred to as "New Khmer Architecture". The products that I've made are both a digital and physical scaled model of a house I've designed which follows the principles of French Architecture. Linked below are images of my products and videos showing my process.

I hope you enjoy looking through and thank you for your time.

Introduction Video To My Project

Renderings of Digital Model



Physical Scaled Model

Process of Building The Product

Personal Project Report

To anyone who is interested, linked below is my Personal Project report. In it includes further information on my process of creating the product, as well as a more in depth explanation on my research and how I was inspired. It also includes some appendices which can also help further show my process. I hope the report can give you any more information regarding my project and hopefully it can also help some of the grade 9s who will be doing the project next year.


Linked below if my Padlet. Feel free to post any comments or ask any questions regarding my project :)

BP - Personal Project Report.pdf