All About Tradition

By: Borasy Bun

"A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe."- Thomas Keller

Hi, thanks for checking out my page.

Thank you for taking a little bit of your time looking through my page. The purpose of this project is to encourage as well as inspire everyone that is taking part in this world. Even though living in different countries, having different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. To get to know more about the most famous traditional snack of Cambodia that has been passed down from the older generation. Which we all should be appreciate and passing down this amazing snack before it is gone forever.

I wish you all could use my recipe to make "Numbot" for your family and friends to try out this delicious snack of Cambodia. I hope you will learn something about my home country after looking through the book.

Thank you!

Check out my book below!