Stock Investing

By Asia Kouch

"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing" - Warren Buffet

Welcome, thank you for visiting my personal project

My topic for the 2020-2021 personal project is about how to investing in stocks. In this project you will learn about the steps towards investing. In this project, I cover about some strategies that other investors have also used and also the investments I've made and how I was able to make a profit off of the investments I made.

I was inspired to chose this subject as my topic, because not only will I learn how to invest but I am also taking a step towards my career and my goals. Towards the end of my research, I gained a better understanding on how investors gain profit from investing.

For my final product I create a google slideshow that includes some of the strategies I used and how I was able to gain profit from investing.

I hope you enjoy looking at my project and thank you for coming!

Introduction to my project


My final product

Personal Project (1).pdf

My report

Personal Projedct report Draft (1).pdf




If you could, could you leave either comments or questions on my padlet, thank you.

Thank You!

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