Stock Investing

By: Akan Kadyrbek

Global context: Scientific and technical innovation

"We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett

What should I know to start investing in the global stock market?

This is my guiding question I considered and always kept in mind throughout my project. This helped my research and product as I could ask myself if my questions and information was relative to this question.

Hello there!

Welcome to my project page! My project is about stock investing.

I chose this topic as I believe that this project is a great opportunity to learn something important for my future and interesting in general. My focus is just to teach an ordinary person like me to understand stock investing and develop interest in investing. As a lot of people including me, heard of stock investing but never considered looking more deeply into this topic. I believe that my product teaches many useful things to help you get started with investing. Also, throughout my project I gained many skills and new knowledge, you can see my process in the report on the right. ----->

I hope you can enjoy my product and get to learn new things!

More information can be found below. Don't hesitate if you have any questions or comments you can easily post them at the last section, I will be more than happy to reply.

Cheers and thank you for coming!

Personal project report:

FINAL_Akan Kadyrbek_Personal project_Stock investing_REPORT.pdf

About the product:

My product is a detailed google slides presentation that focuses on giving the audience understanding and interest in investing.

My structure that helped me finish the product slides presentation is outline below:

  1. Overview of a global stock market:

  • Main types of securities (Shares and Bonds)

  • Size, key players, major stock exchanges

  • The key process of how the stock market works

  1. Key principles of choosing a stock for investment:

  • Investment strategy

  • Stock price valuation methods

  • Risk vs Return

  • Diversification

  1. Samples of selected shares valuation and price dynamics in the automotive industry

  2. Conclusion

  3. Bibliography/Citations

Me introducing my topic video ↓ ↓ ↓ Product slides presentation link can be found below ↓↓↓

Introductory video to my project:

Akan personal project introductory video..mp4

Personal project product: Slides presentation

FINAL_Personal project_Stock investing_Product_Slides presentation

Please don't be shy to add comments or questions!