54th International Symposium of the National Institute for Physiological Sciences

Frontiers in Neural Circuit Reorganization Regulation and Pathophysiology 

October 23 - 25, 2024 

Okazaki Coference Center

 54th International Symposium of the National Institute for Physiological Sciences

Date: October 23 - 25, 2024

Reorganization of neural circuits is a fundamental mechanism underpinning plastic changes in brain function during development and learning, as well as various brain pathologies. In this symposium, cutting-edge researchers from Japan and abroad will come together to discuss how changes in brain function can arise from neural circuit reorganization. Special focus will be given to the role of glial cells in these processes, and the dynamic alterations in GABA circuits and their molecular mechanisms during development and in brain disorders. In addition, we will discuss the future prospects for neural circuit research and the technological innovations that will pave the way for these advancements. We hope this symposium will serve as a forum for interaction between today's cutting-edge researchers and tomorrow's young researchers who will lead future neural circuit research .

 Chief Organizer

Junichi Nabekura




 Online Registration

Online registration will open on August 1st. 


 54th International Symposium of the Institute for Physiological Sciences OFFICE: nabe-sympo-office@nips.ac.jp

Chief Organizer  Junichi Nabekura