Portfolio eligibility and support 

In order for your study to be eligible for adoption and NIHR support; 

For more information on these funding streams and eligibility criteria, please click this link

Studies that are applying for HRA Approval through the standard IRAS. These studies should continue to apply for NIHR CRN support by selecting ‘yes’ to question 5b of the IRAS Project Filter. For help using IRAS please follow this link. 

If your study is an English-led CTIMP and you are applying for HRA Approval through the HRA and MHRA’s combined review service, you must apply for CRN support through the new Non-commercial Portfolio Application service in  CPMS, for further information follow click here.   

You can make an application to have your study adopted onto the NIHR portfolio at any time in the lifecycle of the study, but we do recommend applications be submitted as early as possible. 

In order to see what support can be provided once a study is adopted, see the section on what we do. (insert internal link to what we do section)