Dental Research Network

What is the Dental Research Network?

West Midlands Dental Research Network 

is a collaborative initiative between Dental Practices across the region and your local Research Delivery Network (RDN) the West Midlands Regional Research Delivery Network, part of the National Insitute for Health and Care research (NIHR).

Oral and dental health has a close link to the overall health of the population. Dental practices provide treatments to maintain oral health in children and adults. It is in this context that the Dental Research Network has been developed.

We can get involved in UK-wide research studies, focusing on the health and wellbeing of children and adults, we can learn about different types of dental research and provide opportunities for people affected by oral and dental health conditions to influence and take part in research.

What is the RDN?

We are part of the National Institute of Health and Care Research,  (NIHR) which has been supporting research delivery in primary, community, and hospital settings across our region since 2006, and more recently expanding its support into wider care settings, such as dental, schools and local authorities. Last year almost 1.4 million people in England participated in NIHR studies.

We are funded by the Department of Health and Social Care and work in partnership with the NHS, universities, dental schools, other research funders, participants, and the public. 

We are able to provide advice, support, and assistance to allow your dental practice to take part in high-quality dental research, where the care is provided to benefit the patient and the public.

The aims of the Dental Research Network

The aims of the Dental Research Network are to improve the dental health of children and adults by building new knowledge, bridging gaps in research, applying learning to practice, supporting the development of dental teams and sharing findings across the Network.

We plan to invite dental practices to take part in innovative research studies that focus on the health and well-being of children and adults. This will not only help practices contribute to shaping the dental health of the nation but also will give them the chance to take advantage of new innovative treatments or screening programmes that are not yet available to the general population.

How can we support your Dental Practice

(most studies will require minimal resources from the dental practice) 

Our offer to Dental Practices

We hope the Dental Research Network will be able to influence, be part of, and explore research in dental healthcare settings. 

We want practices to feel like active members who shape the Dental Research Network, through participation with us.

High-quality research opportunities and for dental professionals to input into research study design

Identifying the key areas of need, we will work with academic partners to develop dental research studies to inform change.

We will also promote opportunities for participation in local and national studies.


Support Cost

If there are any additional costs related to undertaking the research these will come directly from the study team and are called ‘Research Costs’ (research activity is almost always undertaken directly by the research team).

When we circulate research opportunities each study will clearly state the total remuneration for Dental Practices.

Support with health and wellbeing initiatives/training, including dental health

Depending on the needs identified, we can facilitate support from clinicians and academics within partner organisations.

Share research findings to inform evidence base and contribute to policy and practice

We will ensure the dissemination of all findings of research where you have assisted. This will include publications and recommendations for policy change.

Offer patients the opportunity to be involved in research (as specified in the NHS Constitution)

Research offers a range of benefits to the NHS. There is evidence that research active organisations have better outcomes than those undertaking less research,  according toNHS England.

Advice on career development in research

We fund oral and dental health research projects through our funding programmes and support training and career development for oral and dental health researchers. 

 Quality Mark for CQC Inspection & NIHR accredited certificate

All Dental Practices who register with the Dental Research Network will be given an accreditation certificate as part of them being a research active Dental Practice.

Studies Open for Participation in Dental Practices

The CHOICE Study - Changing Habits to Prevent Child Caries

What will happen if my dental practice decides to take part?

Find out more about the CHOICE Study

Complete an Expression of Interest form for CHOICE study here.

CHOICE Recruitment Poster v2.0 18.11.2022.pdf

Click on Image to view full page              

Click on Image to view full page
PIP Study Dentist FlyerFINAL.29.11.2022.pdf

The PIP Study - Pulpotomy for the management of Irreversible Pulpitis in mature teeth 

What will happen if my dental practice decides to take part?

Find out more about the PIP Study

Complete an Expression of Interest form for PIP study here.

HARMONY - Healthier smiles for children with cleft by improving tooth decay prevention and management

What will happen if my dental practice decides to take part?

With limited spaces available, please complete an   

Expression of Interest form for HARMONY study here. 

Click on Image to view full page

Join the Dental Research Network

We are seeking expressions of interest from forward-thinking dental practices who would like to join the Dental Research Network. This will provide you the opportunity to be the first to find out about high profile dental research studies taking place in your area.  

Joining the Dental Research Network does not commit you to taking part in a particular study and is free.

We will keep you updated on: 

For more information please contact Anesha Chauhan: 


Mobile: 07823362148 

Why Join?

Insights from 

a Dental Practice

Dr Ateef Azam, General Dental Practitioner    

Princes End Dental Practice in Tipton is among the first to join the Dental Research Network. Click on the recording to find out more from a research active Dental Practice.

Research active dentist recording.mp4

The General Dental Council

"We need to listen and understand the views of the public, patients, and registrants.

 We draw upon these views to make policy and decisions on the basis of the best available evidence." 

Welcome to Be Part of Research

Be Part of Research enables you to find and take part in a range of health and care research. Health research helps to discover new and better ways to treat diseases, improve the NHS and the quality of care across the country.

Anyone can take part in research whether you have a health condition or not. You could take part in research at a local hospital, GP practice – or even at home. It's easy to get involved. Simply sign up online and choose the health conditions you are interested in. You will be sent details of approved studies that match your interests to decide if you want to take part by Clicking Here.