Mandatory Training 

The Royal Wolverhampton Trust identify statutory & mandatory training requirements for all employees based on their staff group and role.   All statutory and mandatory training should be completed through My Academy, which is an external website and can be accessed from any web browser (without requiring RWT VPN / login).

If you have any questions/queries concerning mandatory training, please contact Maggie Hope within the Learning and Development team via .

Induction Checklist

Please download the 'Induction Checklist'. You will need to make a copy of the document, add your name to the title and  save it in your drive.  

Please complete the corporate (Trust) induction via My Academy.  You should have received login details for My Academy and a link to the induction by email prior to commencing in post.  If you have already completed your corporate induction you may wish to complete 2-3 statutory training topics this week instead.

Please complete 'Our Organisation and What We do' and 'Work and Tools' sections of the onboarding online package. 

Emergency Contact Form

Complete an Emergency Contact form here. Remember to make a copy and add to your drive.  Once completed send to your Line Manager (via NHS to NHS email account) and Maggie Hope (  

Meet up with your line manager

Arrange a one to one meeting with your line manager

You have now completed Week 1 of the induction process and can move on to the next stage.  Click the Weeks 2-4 image to continue.