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Michelle Kay

Patient Representative & Public Partner

Michelle Kay is an NIHR ARC NW London Public Partner working in the Multimorbidity & Mental Health Theme as a Public Partner/Co-investigator on the Best for You Project, a Public Partner on the Innovation & Evaluation Theme, and she is a member of the Public Partners Advisory Group. 

She has 24 years experience on GP Surgery Patient Participation Groups, and 30 years’ experience delivering Stress Management and Wellbeing training, and as a Complementary Health & Wellbeing practitioner. She has delivered training for charities, community groups, youth groups, schools, carers, NHS staff, hospices, mental health, and dementia care homes. She has worked with young people and adults experiencing stress and anxiety, and she provided wellbeing helpline support for Carers during the pandemic. 

Before working in healthcare, Michelle trained in drama and public speaking, and worked in theatre, including youth theatre groups. Michelle has lived experience of multimorbidity and of being a carer for elderly parents with complex multimorbidity conditions.  

Michelle is passionate about person-centred, holistic care which improves patient pathways, patient outcomes and patient wellbeing and for her Fellowship Project, she hopes to engage with young people who are patients in the Best for You New Model of Care, and Community Groups and Charity Organisations to evidence the role of community-based prevention and support initiatives, as well as the role of social prescribing for children and young people at risk of/or experiencing poor mental health.