X: @joekattab_oil 

Email: joseph.bayumivolunteer@nhs.net

Joseph Bayumi 

Patient Representative 

I am a leading senior executive within the energy sector, and now devote my time to Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust as an Expert by Experience. I sit on the quality improvement task force within the Quality Improvement Academy(QIA). My passion is mental health, as I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and this is my drive for quality improvement. 

I am trained to a gold standard, committed Trauma Informed Practice, he is also a mental health first Aider MHFAEngland. This work has now led me to the Improvement Leader Fellowship. I am committed to playing a part in the development of quality improvement tools that will enable better patient engagement, service delivery and patient representation.

I am so happy to be a fellow on the Improvement Leader Fellowship 2024. 

In 2021, I found myself in a dark hole thrown into turmoil as I entered Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL NHS FT) due to a serious crime, a burglary, at home. I was shocked and confused about how a victim of a crime could be sectioned under the Mental Health Act. My encounter with staff was questionable. I was dismayed at the lack of compassion and empathy as I tried to raise and highlight the seriousness of what was happening. 

First told I was a drug user in psychosis, then I was told I was paranoid schizophrenic and have been placed on high dosage quetiapine 800mg for nearly 2 years with no plan. Despite the fact there were false entries on my medical record, I have so much gratitude to the clinicians for the care and understanding they showed me during this negative nightmare. I wish to thank everyone for their support, in my recovery. I am truly grateful. I pinch myself sometimes as I look back from this negative space and now use this positive force for good as an expert by experience for the same NHS Trust.  

My passion for mental health and social care ignited my commitment and determination to help CNWL NHS FT staff and service users through sharing my own lived experience. The atmosphere and environment that both staff and service users experience can play an important part in creating a culture of trust, empathy and compassion. These elements sometimes get missed, and an outside point of view provides the value of an expert by experience, which is so important. My vision and goal is to make CNWL one of the best places to work and one of the best places to receive care in England.