The Class of 2020

Tutu | Thea | Simone

What would you tell your younger Nightingale self?
I would tell my younger Nightingale self to never miss the opportunity to participate in something. The plays you act in, the tournaments you debate, the songs you sing in chorus: they will teach you more than you think and will be the memories you hold onto dearly as you leave the blue doors.

How have truth, friendship and loyalty been a part of your time at Nightingale?
Friendship at Nightingale is not limited to your own grade. Friendship exists with younger and older grades, the administration, and the faculty. Friendship is the spirit that energizes the schoolhouse.

Your message to the Nightingale Class of 2020:
It is hard to come up with a simple message to a group of people who have changed your life. Thank you Class of 2020 for all the laughs, cries, ups, and downs that we’ve had together. Thank you for everything ❤.

Highlight of your time at Nightingale:
I absolutely loved the St. Paul’s exchange trip! The program encouraged us to go beyond what we learned in the classroom— which is really what Nightingale is about. Through taking new classes, frequent museum trips, and learning to adapt to living with a host family, the program achieved Nightingale’s goal of educating both our hearts and minds!

What would you tell your younger Nightingale self?
Whatever you do, do it because your passionate about it, not because someone else is telling you to.

Any final, parting words?
Nightingale has been my entire childhood. I entered as a tiny girl who couldn't tie her shoes, and I'm leaving as a young woman equipped with essay writing skills and long lasting friendships. I am grateful for my Nightingale experience because with thirteen years under my belt, it has wholly shaped who I am today.