The Class of 2020

Maayel | Isabella | Natalie

Highlight of your time at Nightingale:
A highlight of my time at Nightingale was the London trip. I am a person who values sleep, so my biggest fear was that I would be roomed with someone who preferred to stay up late. But every night, my roommate Lydia and I would curl up in our beds early and have such a blast watching the BBC.

What would you tell your younger Nightingale self:
I would tell my younger Nightingale self to have a better perspective on things. Not every task is “life and death”. Breathe and you will be just fine.

How have truth, friendship and loyalty been a part of your time at Nightingale?
Truth and friendship have been essential in my time at Nightingale. Being true to oneself even in times of doubt is so important. And being surrounded by incredible people who always remind you of the bigger picture is also important.

How has Nightingale educated both your heart and mind?
I think I have gained a better understanding of myself at Nightingale. I was constantly inspired by the people around me. Passionate teachers, hardworking students, organized administrators, etc. I saw these aspects of their personalities and learned from them.

Favorite quote/personal motto:
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – Lord of the Rings

Your message to the Nightingale Class of 2020:
It has been such an honor knowing all of you. I am so proud of what we have accomplished. Now go forth and conquer!

Highlight of your time at Nightingale:
Nightingale has been an incredible second home for me for the past twelve years. I will sorely miss my friends and teachers, but I know the blue doors and the connections I built inside of them will never be absent from my life.

Highlight of your time at Nightingale:
Nightingale has been more than just a schoolhouse to me for the past 13 years. I am so grateful to the Class of 2020 and to my teachers for showing me what it means to be passionate about something.