F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions  (Click [^] to the right to expand section)

Is there a website for the Virtual Catholic Elementary Schools and Virtual Catholic Secondary Schools?

Yes, absolutely - you can access the website here.

Is there someplace where I can get more information on how to transition my child  between in-person learning and online remote learning?

Yes, the website for information on this process can be accessed here.

How do I get my child’s login if they are new to the school board?

Contact your child's teacher or use the Parent Virtual Learning Help Portal if you don't know your child's teacher's name yet - https://help.niagaracatholic.ca. Alternatively, if you are having trouble contacting the teacher or need urgent help, call the school and speak to the school secretary who will assist you.

How do I reset my child’s password?

Contact your child's teacher who can reset your child's password or use the Parent Virtual Learning Help Portal.

What is the website address (URL) for remote learning?


What if I need additional login support?

Use this helpful guide.

What do I do if I have questions about working in the Niagara Catholic Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)?

Refer to this documentation for assistance.

What if I need help with understanding how the Niagara Catholic Virtual Learning Environment works (VLE)?

Refer to this helpful video.

Are there any resources available to me to help me navigate the Niagara Catholic Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)?

Yes, there are additional resources here.

What is the parent portal and what is it for?

The Niagara Catholic Parent Portal allows parents access to information regarding their child including report cards, alternative report cards and  timetable.  Additional information will be added in the future.

How do I login to the parent portal?

Use this helpful guide and follow the instructions.

I know Niagara Catholic District School Board protects my student online within the school on the school network. How can I protect my children at home in a similar way?

We recommend you use the free service from Cisco OpenDNS called "Family Shield". You may need someone technical to help but once you get this in place it automatically protects you and your family in the ways described. More information on what the solution does and how to enable it can be found here.

How do remote learners get help?

Contact your teacher. If you do not know how to contact your teacher, use the Parent Virtual Learning Help Portal. It is also a great idea to talk to other parents and have your child talk to their classmates who may have more experience or better technical knowledge. Sharing information and different techniques is a great way to collaborate and learn in a practical way. It's also a good idea to go through all the online help resources in the website, watch the instructional videos and generally experiment with navigating the site and trying out all the features. When you explore something, you tend to pick up things that you wouldn't otherwise. Learning is fun!

How can my younger children safely communicate with their classmates to make school more social if they are exclusively virtually learning?

Although it's neither supported, nor endorsed by Niagara Catholic District School Board, many parents have chosen to use the Facebook app "Messenger for Kids" which is a messaging app for kids to interact with friends and family. Using the Parent Dashboard from their Facebook account, parents can manage their child's contact list, monitor their activity and change their account settings.  Messenger for kids works on ipods, iphones and Android devices.

More information can be found here. Additional information about how Messenger Kids works.

This is a great support hub. Is there one available for students as well?

Yes, absolutely. The student site is geared a little differently but it can be accessed here.

Niagara Catholic Website

Safe Arrival

School Cash Online

Niagara Student Transportation

Niagara Catholic Parent Portal

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School Boundaries

Parent Involvement Committee

Elementary Dress Code

Child Care

Student Accident Insurance

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