Astronomy Project

Dr. Song

Research Questions

Big Question

What should we be pursuing: manned or unmanned space travel? 


Example outline:


What are the benefits and limitations of unmanned space travel?

What are the benefits and limitations of manned space travel?

How dangerous is space travel? What are some of the disasters and accidents from manned spaceflight?

What are the effects of space travel on humans?

What are the technological limitations to manned space travel?

What are the technological limitations to unmanned space travel?

What is space debris (MMOD) and how does it affect space travel?

What are the risks of space colonization?

What are the financial costs of manned and unmanned space travel?

What scientific breakthroughs have come out of manned space travel?

What scientific breakthroughs have come out of unmanned space travel?

What effects do manned and unmanned space travel have on the planets & moons they explore?

What are some of the ethical concerns around manned and unmanned space exploration and travel?

How are geopolitics impacting the new space race?

Database Passwords

Access to library passwords requires signing in to your VHS Google account using your school email address and password. 

Citation Format


Author(s) Last Name, First Name. “Title of Source.” Container Title, Editor’s First Name Last Name, Publisher, Date Published, page numbers. Title of Database, URL. Date of Access. 

In-text Citation

(Author Last Name) or (Title of Source)

Citation Generators


Citation Help

MLA 8 Reference Guide

From EasyBib.

MLA Citations E-book

Citation rules and examples from EasyBib.

MLA Formatting & Style Guide

From the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University.

Overview of MLA Citation Style

From the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University.

Sample Works Cited Page Entries

From the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Benefits & Limitations to Unmanned & Manned Space Travel/Exploration

Search Terms:

New Horizons

NASA Perserverance

Space Exploration

Manned vs. Unmanned


Jupiter Probe

Robots and Space

Source to Use:


EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

EBSCO MasterFile Elite 

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Human Exploration of Space: why, where, what for?

Human Health and Space Travel

Search Terms:

Search Terms

Space Radiation

Isolation and Confinement

Gravity Fields

Hostile/Closed Environments

Distance from Earth

NASA Twin Study (Scott and Mark Kelly)

Sources to Use:

EBSCO Explora Secondary

Infobase Science Online

National Center for Biotechnology Information

NASA Hazards

Safe Passage: Astronaut Care for Exploration Missions.

Nature:  The effect of space travel on human reproductive health: a systematic review

Red risks for a journey to the red planet: The highest priority human health risks for a mission to Mars

Space Debris

Search Terms:

Space Junk

Space Debris

Orbital Debris

Source to Use:

EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

ProQuest STEM (AP Science) 

National Center for Biotechnology Information

University of Texas Astria


Finances of Space Exploration

Search Terms:

NASA and budget

Space program spending

Cost of space program

Private investment and Space Sector


Source to Use:

EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher 

The Planetary Society:  Your Guide to NASA's Budget

Government expenditure on space programs in 2022 and 2023, by major country

NASA Budget and Reports

NASA’s budget woes put ambitious space research at risk

Environmental Effects on Planets & Moons 

Search Terms:

interplanetary contamination

planetary protection

extraterrestrial contamination

Source to Use:

EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

Infobase Science Online

ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher 


Projected increase in space travel may damage ozone layer

Environmental implications of human presence on the moon

There’s No Way to Make Space Travel Good for Planet Earth Right Now

Infecting Other Worlds

How do we protect planets from biological cross-contamination?

Space Accidents & Disasters

Search Terms:

Space Shuttle Challenger

Space Shuttle Columbia

Sierra Nevada Corporation Dream Chaser

Apollo 13

Space Exploration

Source to Use:

EBSCO MasterFile Elite 

Detailed Chronology of Events Surrounding the Apollo 13 Accident

Significant Incidents & Close Calls in Human Spaceflight

Technology Limitations Unmanned & Manned 

Search Terms:

Rocket Payload

Robots vs. Humans

Robot Spacecraft

Travel Distance and Space

Radiation and Space

Source to Use:

EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

EBSCO MasterFile Elite 

Current Challenges and Opportunities for Space Technologies

NASA Space Travel Technologies

A Survey of Space Robotics

Space Colonization

Search Terms:

Space Stations

Space Colonization

Space Colonies

Live in Space

Live on Mars

Martian Exploration

Source to Use:

EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

EBSCO Points of View Reference Center 

ProQuest STEM (AP Science) 

The future of space colonization – terraforming or space habitats?

Mars Colonization: Beyond Getting There

Scientific Breakthroughs

Search Terms:

Scientific Discoveries and Space

Space Science

Memory Foam

Source to Use:


EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

EBSCO MasterFile Elite 

20 Breakthroughs from 20 Years of Science aboard the International Space Station

Top 10 NASA Inventions

Ethics of Space Travel & Exploration

Search Terms:

Space Tourism

Human Space Travel and Ethics

Space Junk and Ethics

Source to Use:

ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher 

ProQuest STEM (AP Science) 

Geopolitics of Space Exploration & Settlement

Search Terms:

Geopolitics and Space

Space Weapons

New Space Race

International Space Race

Source to Use:

EBSCO Academic Search Premier 

ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher 


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