Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is a positive approach to helping students learn how to be safe and secure, as well as smart and effective participants in a digital world

How to Choose Great Resources and Content for Your Kids

The tools below can help you evaluate the learning potential of a resource based on a range of different criteria.

Protecting Students at Home

To preserve the best of what is online for your kids, use these helpful tips and tricks.

Screen Time

It’s important to find the right balance for your family’s needs and lifestyle while helping kids moderate their own habits.

Social Media

Today’s kids start diving into the Social Media world when what seems to be as soon as their little fingers can type. Knowing about the different Social Media platforms, privacy settings, and age restrictions are useful when monitoring your child’s use.

Using Restrictions and/or Parental Controls

Web filtering is already in place on student devices, however, you can use additional restrictions or parental controls to block or limit specific applications and/or features.