3rd Grade

Click on the link above and create your code.org login.

Display Name = firstname.lastname

Email = firstname.lastname@student.nhcs.net

Password = Google email password (it's the long one)

Password again = Same as above

Age = your age

Gender = skip

Click the yellow button



Email = firstname.lastname@student.nhcs.net

Password = Google email password (it's the long one)

Animation Showcase Instructions!

How to publish an animation:

◆ File - Publish to Web...

◆ Change slides to every second

◆ Check both boxes (auto start & loop)

◆ Hit Publish

◆ Ctrl C (Copy the link)

◆ Ctrl T (Open a new tab)

◆ Ctrl V (Paste the link)

◆ Backspace to delete the last “0” in link (if you want to speed it up)

◆ Hit enter!

  1. Click on the link above.
  2. Control V to paste your link in the box
  3. Click Download jpg (green box on the right )
  4. WAIT and WAIT some more….look at blue box at the top.
  5. Name your file - Your Name & QR (Example: HudsonQR)

Add your animation to your class Animation Showcase google slides document (for printing):

  1. Go back to your animation.
  2. Pick your favorite slide.
  3. On the left (where you see the small slides), click on your favorite slide and copy your whole slide. (right click and copy)
  4. Go to the shared QR Code document for your class. It’s in your Google Slides
  5. Add your slide into it. (Right click and paste).
  6. Do not touch anyone else’s slide.
  7. Add Your name and the title of your animation to your slide. Ex. Mrs. Hudson’s Pacman
  8. Insert Image > From computer > click on your QR code and add it to your slide.


create your account

Username = Firstname.lastname

Password = Computer password = your birthday

Email = leave it blank

How to publish an animation:

◆ File - Publish to Web...

◆ Change slides to every second

◆ Check both boxes (auto start & loop)

◆ Hit Publish

◆ Ctrl C (Copy the link)

◆ Ctrl T (Open a new tab)

◆ Ctrl V (Paste the link)

◆ Backspace to delete the last “0” in link (if you want to speed it up)

◆ Hit enter!

Create a Google Slides Presentation for K-2 Students.

Day 1 - Listen

Day 2 - Follow Directions

Day 3 - Be Kind

Day 4 - Be Safe

The video below will help you remember how to use Google Slides

Log in - Firstname.lastname@nhcs.net

Password - Student #

To add a slide - Click Slide - New Slide (at the top)

To share with Mrs. Hudson - click share at the top, name your presentation, type in mary.hudson@nhcs.net and click done.

Googles Slides - Creating Expectations Slides.webm