Welcome to the Fifth Grade!

Entering the Fifth Grade is...

an exciting time! Students are reaching the culmination of their elementary careers with style, grace, and - let's be honest - a lot of humor, while also preparing for the next step of learning: middle school! 

In order to best prepare our students for middle school, the fifth grade team is departmentalized. This means that each teacher is an expert in their subject, and they teach all fifth graders in that subject. For example, I am a literacy professional (with a love for reading and history!) so I will be teaching the entire fifth grade cohort English Language Arts (ELA). I will also be teaching another love of mine - Science and Social Studies - to my homeroom only. 

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility... 

As fifth graders are the oldest students in the school, they will sometimes be given additional responsibilities and opportunities ( previous years' duties included flag pole duty, reading morning announcements, recycling squad, compost squad, etc...). These activities are earned by students through behavioral excellence. There is always an opportunity for students to work towards being chosen for these jobs, but those who are not meeting (or exceeding) expectations will not be asked to participate. Again, these are EXTRA opportunities for students to demonstrate their leadership and responsibility around the school community. Other opportunities will be provided within each classroom as well. 

Who to Contact:

ELA Questions & Concerns: Mrs. Price - sara.price@nhcs.net

Math Questions & Concerns: Mrs. Creswell - leah.creswell@nhcs.net

Science/History Questions & Concerns: Homeroom Teacher

Other Questions/Concerns: Your Child's Homeroom Teacher (Varies - Ask Them!)