Welcome to Mrs. Valle-Greene's fourth-grade class

Bienvenidos a cuarto grado

Google Classroom Instructions.pdf

Welcome to my classroom page. As we head into the final weeks of the school year, please remind your child how important it is to follow classroom expectations, be at school on time and do their best on assignments and assessments.

If your child is absent and able to work, check Google Classroom for new assignments and the Bitmoji Classroom below for links to activities that can be completed at home. Epic books is available during school hours. See instructions above if you are new to Google Classroom, look for my name: Ana Valle-Greene

(Por favor me contacta si necesita ayuda para encontrar actividades de manera digital.)

I am so excited to be teaching fourth grade again after many years in second and first grades! Check the newsletter for details on what students are learning and other information. Please contact me if you have questions.

Call me at 910-815-6909, ext. 76937

Check out the digital classroom below to find activities.

Master Valle-Greene Bitmoji classroom

Work Due to Quarantine

  • When a student is placed on quarantine, teachers can provide within 48 hours work that will be mailed home or delivered by the social worker.

    • If a student has a question about the work he/she will email the teacher at her school email address or contact through class DOJO..

    • Work may be assigned through Google Classroom.

Some of my former students in 2nd grade!

Heritage Day

We love to read! Nos gusta leer.

Future Tar-Heels?