Melessia Gomez

Biomedical Technology I & Foundations of Health Science

Hello, I am Melessia Gomez. I am a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience in the medical field and 6 years as a health science teacher.

I am available every morning from 8:00- 8:25 as well as after school on Tuesday and Thursday until 5:00. I ask students to make arrangements with me the day before to ensure I do not have any meetings or prior appointments scheduled. My email address is and my phone extension is 73497

All assignments and power point lectures are posted on Canvas.

My schedule:

  • 1st block planning

  • 2nd block Biomedical Technology I

  • 3rd block Foundations of Health Science

  • 4th block Foundations of Health Science

Weekly Agenda

Laney Parents/Students Technology Cheat Sheet 2020

Computer Log In

Username: firstname.lastname

Password: Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)

No leading zeros:01/05/2005 becomes 152005


Student email, Google classroom, GSuite for Education apps


Password:8 Digit Student ID #(lead with a zero if necessary)


Check grades, access canvas, access benchmark testing

Username: Student ID#

Password: If you do not know your password contact any of your assigned teachers to reset this for you

*Computer Login Exceptions:

If the name is too long, (more than 16 characters), it gets cut off: ex. firstname.lastna

*Google Exceptions:If another student has the same name, there may be a digit after. Example, Jane.Doe2

If the Student ID is too short, the password is made 8 digits by adding 0’s: ex. 00123456

*PowerSchool Exceptions: If a student needs their password reset, any teacher of the student can reset it.

*If you have any trouble accessing your accounts your classroom teachers are your 1st point of contact. School Counselors do not have access to reset accounts.

If you need additional password assistance please click this RESET PASSWORD REQUEST link.

Canvas Instructions: Go to (or and use your PowerSchool Login to access. See the process done here

Edgenuity Instructions: Go to then click “Student Login”. Your username is your student email address and the default password is NewHan2020. After your first login, change your password by clicking your name in the top right corner.