Family and Consumer Science (FACS)
child development &
Early Childhood Education 1
NOTE TO STUDENTS/PARENTS: Students should be able to access their course through the Canvas account. If you did not receive an invite for your class, please let Ms. Vick know as soon as possible. Ashley HS: 910-790-2360 or
(Click the link above)
Credit: 1 unit
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: None
Course Overview: This course introduces students to responsible nurturing and basic applications of child development theory with children from infancy through age six. Areas of study include parenthood decisions, child care issues, prenatal development and care, and development and care of infants, toddlers, and children three through five. Emphasis is on responsibilities of parents, readiness for parenting, and the influence parents have on children while providing care and guidance. Art, English language Arts, and science are reinforced. We also discuss FCCLA (Family Career Community Leaders of America).
*Note: For safety and equipment purposes, enrollment is not to exceed 25.
About me
I moved to Wilmington in 2021 to start my teaching journey at ASH. I moved from Clayton, NC and I am a fourth year Family and Consumer Science Teacher. I attended both Stanly Community College and Wake Tech Community College where I received my Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. I graduated from East Carolina where I received my Bachelor Degree in Family and Consumer Science Education. I have worked in the Early Childhood field for 14 years. Now, I have decided to teach and share my knowledge with the students.
I currently teach Child Development and Early Childhood Education 1. I am also one of the FCCLA advisors. I am excited to be back with the faculty at Ashley this year. I am so happy to see all of you in the classroom. I believe that this year will be a great year for all of us.
First Semester Schedule
1st Block: Child Development room 309
2nd Block: Child Development room 309
3rd Block: Planning
4th Block: Child Development room 309
Second Semester Schedule
1st Block: Early Childhood Education 1 room 309
2nd Block: Early Childhood Education 1 room 309
3rd Block: Planning
4th Block: Child Development room 309