Nexus International School (Singapore)

Off-Campus Learning Zone

Your child's safety while online is important to us.

To access the Off-Campus Learning sections for each Year Group through the links below you will need to be logged into Google Chrome as a Nexus learner.

(On the device you use, make sure all personal gmail accounts are also logged out.)

Welcome to OCL

Monday, 27 September to Friday, 1 October 2021

Once again a very warm welcome to our OCL site, for some of you this will all look very familiar and for some it will be your first time navigating our Off-Campus Learning provision.

An unexpected shift to online learning always takes adjustment. Be kind to yourself and focus on reducing stress for everyone.

Our teachers have been busy planning for the week and finalising the Year Group pages of this learning zone. You are now able to see timetables and access Google Meet links.

Thank you so much in anticipation of your patience and understanding. If you have any doubts or concerns following the initial meets please do not hesitate to contact us.

Warm regards

Ms Fiona

Head of Primary

How it all works

Step 1: Read through this page for an overview of the Nexus Off-Campus learning for Primary School.

Step 2: Click on your child's 'Year Group' at the top of this page to take you to their Off-Campus Learning Hub. To access these sections you will need to be logged into a learners' Nexus account.

Step 3: Explore your child's Off-Campus Learning Hub.

  • At the top, you can find the email for the teacher if you have any queries.

  • Next, we have a section with the links to the Google Meets for the live sessions with Homeroom Teachers.

  • Further down, we introduce Today's Learning Engagements, where you will find details of the activities for your child to complete.

  • There are links to support areas and guides.

  • There is a section with the tools you may need. We will tell you when you need them.

Step 4: Click on the 'Our Groups' button. In this section you will see the class groups and times for your child. Make a note of the time your child can come online and join their teachers, classroom assistants and new classmates.

Some simple expectations

Our anticipation is that we will only be off-campus for this week and that we will be retuning on-site after the October break.

On Monday your child will meet with their teacher and classmates at 08:30. They will also meet later in a smaller group to share and have the day's learning engagement explained.

All Primary teachers are available to support the learning process during school hours each day. We won't be introducing new concepts to your child over the next week, and aren’t expecting you to teach your child new concepts and ideas either. If your child comes across something they don’t understand, they can connect with us, or try something else until you can explore it together.

Please note that for the protection of all our children online, meetings must not be recorded by families.

We don't expect our staff to be wearing their pyjamas and eating their breakfast when they meet with you and we don't expect that from the children. Please make sure they wear their uniform for their meetings. This can be their polo shirt or HPE shirt, whichever they would prefer.

Finally, please encourage your child to join their online meets, if your child doesn't enjoy online interaction, it's OK. Have a chat with them about what their worries are an if need be contact your homeroom teacher

Specialist Subjects


Our HPE team will be working to help you and your family look after your physical wellbeing.


The awesome Music Team: Mr Chris, Ms Tash, Ms Clare and Mr Andrew will be introducing your musical experiences.

Visual Arts

The whole of our Visual Arts team will be introducing your artistic experiences.


Our French and Chinese team will be helping you to continue your language development.

Helpful hints

Don't know your see from your saw? Having trouble logging into your child's Nexus gmail account?

Take a look through Mr Ed's helpful guides.

If you are still struggling please email Mr Ed or our IT Team and they will certainly be able to help you out.

Our fantastic team of Learning Support Integrators are also available to provide additional support for your child as they navigate an off-campus learning journey.

In these difficult and uncertain times please remember we have a team of two highly skilled counsellors at Nexus who are there to provide any support we need.

Find all ther links you will ever need here. We have loaded on all our teachers' favourite apps and links.

Bilingual & Multilingual Learners

Our school prides itself on being a rich and diverse community with nearly 50 nationalities represented in our community.

Our expert team that supports our Bilingual and Multilingual Learners will be providing English language development activities that the learners can explore.

There will be Show and Tell session for each Phase to provide the learners with even more opportunities to hone their English language skills.

The BML team will also check in with family and friendship groups to make sure they are managing in these uncertain times.

Primary Learning Resources Hub

Whether you are 3 years old, 11 years old (or even older than that!), join us to end the off-campus school day with a story.

We have a great collection resources on our Learning Resource Hub microsite. In our bookends section our librarians and teachers have posted videos of themselves reading a favourite story of theirs. It may become one of your favourites too!

They will also be making sure our online library is well-stocked and open for business. Why not pop in and have a browse.

Learner Balance

An important aspect of off-campus learning is ensuring balance. The 'Nexus Way' is built on our Nexus community and the strong connections we make. Digital technologies are a powerful tool in helping us maintain these relationships and those with loved ones across the globe in these challenging times. However, digital techologies can become 'consuming'. Here are our top tips for caring for your child (and yourself) in this challenging time.

Sleep & Eat

Keep all digital devices out of the bedroom at night and away from the dining table.

Use these times to rest and recharge.

Parents, you need to set the example!

Time limits

As a family, agree sensible time limits for digital technology use.

Look at your daily learning engagements and decide together which tasks need the technology and which don't.

Learning Area

Set up your learning space with everything you need to focus efficiently.

How does the use of technology in your learning space differ to elsewhere?

Stay Charged

Set up a charging station in a neutral area of the home.

Online meetings will drain batteries much more quickly.

Enjoy Together

Watch films, play games, connect with family overseas and enjoy screen time together.

This makes digital technology a social tool.

Stay Balanced

On-campus you would do a variety of different activities each day. Find a balance at home by creating a family routine that provides that balance for you all.

Our Approach - The Nexus Way


Nexus learners will demonstrate an open and creative mindset that encourages deep inquiry and critical thinking through a range of different engagements shared online. Learners will develop resilience and perseverance as thinkers through their off-campus learning programme.


Nexus learners maintaining and developing relationships with both their class mates and teachers is paramount with off-campus learning. This will be done through Google Meets with our face to face small group, class and year group meetings. These meetings will be an opportunity for reflection and feedback to happen and continue to support learners as communicators in our ever changing world. Teachers will also connect via SeeSaw, the Hub or Showbie (depending on the Year Group).


Nexus learners will further develop an understanding of themselves and a true empathy for others collaborating and working under off-campus conditions. They will continue to benefit from a world-class, learner-centred education on line with support from the whole education team. This will continue to empower them to discover their passions and achieve personal excellence with a full and blanced curriculum available to them.


Nexus learners will be challenged through authentic, technology-rich and transformative learning experiences with our off-campus learning programme. Our virtual learning environment together with our dynamic approaches to learning, put us at the forefront of global educational practices with our learners becoming more open minded and reflective in their thinking.

Who to contact

Please contact your child's homeroom teacher if you have any questions regarding your child's learning journey. You can find their email address on the year group page of this site. You can also find the Year Group Leader and Phaseleader email there as well.

If you need help with anything else please contact the people below. We are all here to help out

Head of

Deputy Head
of Primary

Deputy Head
of Primary

Learner Services

Digital Coach

IT Support

Learning Support
(Up to Year

Learning Support
(Year 5 & 6)

School Counsellor (BML learners)

School Counsellor