30th April 2021

Dear families,

I have really enjoyed this week at Shacklewell. The children have been on great form and the purposeful and learning focussed discussions throughout the school have been fantastic. As you can see below learning has been brought to life with engaging activities and, thankfully, local trips. With each step towards normality, like the increase in local trips and the return of varied after school clubs, it really feels like we are near the end of this difficult period for the whole community.

This week the children have been thoroughly enjoying the new lunch menu. The team in the kitchen have been working very hard to bring even greater variety and flavours to the children's lunchtime experience. We have tasted a delicious beef cobbler, along with mixed bean patties and a light and fluffy tiramisu. The children have been eagerly asking for seconds and we are very pleased that the number children opting for a jacket potato has diminished. Remember if you would like your child to have a school lunch then make a call to the office and they will be able to arrange it. If you haven't had a chance to see the menu click this link to see what's in store for next week.

This week I also had the pleasure of sitting down with the chair of Shacklewell Families, Emily, to discuss the plans for the rest of this term. Unfortunately one of the decisions that we had to make was that there would not be a summer fair this academic year. I know this is hugely disappointing for all of the school community but I am sure you can appreciate why this decision had to be taken. On a more positive note, Shacklewell Families have been very busy compiling a wonderful looking Shacklewell cookbook. I cannot wait for this to launch and with a suggested donation of £5.00 I am sure you will all be desperate to snatch up a copy! A huge thank you from me to all of the team involved with Shacklewell Families for both producing the cookbook and the unwavering support of the school during this difficult time. If you would like to support Emily and the team or you want to find out more then please get in touch using this email address - info@shacklewellfamilies.com

I hope you all enjoy the bank holiday weekend and are able to spend some quality time together.

See you all bright and early on Tuesday morning,


Bulletin - 30.04.21
Bulletin Photos