4th May

Dear Shacklewell community,

Another week in lock down is ahead of us and I imagine the novelty of being at home instead of school has well and truly worn off for the children. May I take this opportunity to tell you that your efforts are noticed and appreciated. Please continue to do what you can and remember the home learning booklets are a guide not an expectation. We know family life is busy and stressful so complete what you are able to.

I know that the announcement last week from the education secretary Gavin Williamson that, in some format, schools will reopen on 1st June will be greeted with celebration by many. Whilst it is undeniably a great sign that the government feel we are in a strong enough position to do this, it does raise a whole raft of new questions. I want to reassure you all, that both here at Shacklewell and across the wider Federation, we are planning for what a phased return looks like, including the implications on families, social distancing and the organisation of the school day. As always, as soon as we have a definitive plan I will share the details with you.

Thank you for completing the home learning questionnaire. We have now closed the survey and are carefully considering some of our next steps. We really appreciate the kind comments and the teachers have been very pleased to hear such lovely feedback. Below is a poster outlining some of the direct actions taken by school based on your comments but as mentioned we are continually reviewing this provision so more changes will be coming. Two immediate changes that I have personally undertaken is that I have started reading to the children via the KS1 website and Google Classroom. I have also added a section below which is me addressing the children directly so I would appreciate you sharing that with them.

One piece of feedback we received many times was regarding the use of Zoom. Whilst the sentiment about the increased presence of teachers using video is something we are pursuing we will not be using Zoom as a tool at any point. Zoom is fraught with security issues and does not meet our safeguarding standards. Any video conference activities with school will always be carried out via Google Meets.

We continue to ask you to apply for Free School Meals using this website. If you haven't already may I ask you to take 15 minutes to try. The great thing about applying is that once you have done it you do not need to do it again. This means if your circumstances change you would become eligible without having to go through the application process again. Please call the office and we will happily support you to complete the application.

I hope to see you all very soon,


Home learning- Week 7- 4th May

Dear Shacklewell children,

I am really missing having you all here. I have been in school quite a few days since you have been at home and it is very, very quiet without you all. I cannot wait until we are all back together again, learning and laughing with each other.

I don't know about you all but I have found myself looking out the windows at home a lot more than usual. As an amateur bird watcher it has been great to see so many young birds flying around. It inspired me to make a couple of new bird feeders and as a result I have a new family of sparrows making regular visits to my balcony. I wonder if you could use this website and make your own bird feeder? Send me a picture of how you get on and let me know if any birds come and visit.

I am sure some of you have also been looking at the flowers and plants blooming into life since school has been closed. Could you add some colour to your own windowsill or garden by planting some seeds and watching them grow? Use this guide if you are not sure how to do this. Please share some of your lovely creations with me on email or via Google Classroom.

I have also been keeping myself busy with new stories- have you been reading new books at home? I decided to share some of my new reading with you this week. Year 1 and Year 2 children should check this website to hear me read 'Sweep' and children in Year 4, 5 and 6 can login in to Google Classroom and hear the start of a brand new story- 'Check Mate'. I will be sharing lots more stories with you over the coming weeks so let me know what you think.

Please remember to help your families by doing the work that they ask you to complete. I have included some links above to help you find your home learning booklets. The most important leaning for you to be doing is to read your books as much as possible every day.

I hope that you are all staying safe, looking after yourselves and your families and please keep sending in the amazing things you are doing at home.

See you all very soon, Mr. McGrath.