2nd July

Update from MS. Reid

Dear Families,

Saturday's Summer fair brought everyone out to enjoy the sunshine. It was lovely to see the wide range of stalls, creating with clay, paper making, and marsh mellow spaghetti structures which brought a lot of fun for everyone. The delicious food and the very refreshing drinks were a perfect match for the weather. A big thank you to the Shacklewell Families and our parent helpers for organising such a wonderful and successful event for us to enjoy. A special thank you to all the parents, grandparents and the children who came to the fair, to make it so exciting and successful.

You should have all received a letter about the new style annual reports. As always we will have our annual drop in sessions for parents on Thursday 12th July for those of you who would like to discuss the report. Please note that there are no appointments scheduled for these sessions and parents will be seen on a first come first serve basis.

This week’s bulletin must be dedicated to Beverly Dickinson for all her hard work. Yet again, she has organised and taken so many of our pupils across the Federation through the stages of Bike Around the Borough. The long practice sessions, the skills learnt and the endurance cycling for miles, is a great success for our Year 5 pupils.

This week Nursery children are decamping to Hackney Downs for their Sports Day and picnic. The weather seems to be remaining good all week and I hope all Nursery pupils, parents and staff have a great day out!

Many of you have offered congratulations to myself and Mr McGrath for our new interim roles as Executive Headteacher and Headteacher beginning in September. We both appreciate all the kind words and support you have given us. We know that without you beside us, doing our jobs successfully would be impossible.

Shacklewell Families

*Summer Fair success!*

A million thanks to everybody who made Saturday’s Summer Fair such a huge success. We’re not quite ready to announce the final total raised but we have a strong suspicion that it’s going to be a record-breaker.

Do you have some thoughts about the Summer Fair that you want to share? Here's the place to write them down. There will be a full debrief on Friday 6th July so get your comments in before then.

Raffle and Silent Auction winners will be contacted today and tomorrow

*New Chair vote this Friday*

We are meeting this Friday at 9am to vote in a new Chair. You’ll also be able to vote by email once the candidates are announced on Wednesday.

If you want to stand as a candidate now is the time to let us know!

More information about the role is available here: https://shacklewellfamilies.com/chair/

Remember that the role can be shared by two or more co-Chairs, or a Chair and Vice-Chair team, so please contact us right if you’re at all interested info@shacklewellfamilies.com

Bike around the borough

Every year hundreds of Hackney school children take to the roads for a mass ride around the borough, organised by the Council to provide a chance for students to practice the skills they've learned through national standards cycle training.

Last week was the 2018 edition of Bike Around the Borough and it was a great occasion for our Year 5 children. They rode through the streets and parks of our fabulous borough. The crowds cheered them on and they even got to cycle with Hackney Mayor, Phillip Glanville.

Well done to all the children and staff who completed the nine mile route!

Year 6 - The Great island Race

The end of year 6 show 'The Great Island Race' is just around the corner. The children are singing and dancing their way through their final two weeks of school in preparation to blow your socks off on 17th July.

The performance will be held at BSix college. One show will be in the morning, at 10.30am and the other will be at 1.30pm. Tickets are available from the school office. Please make sure to buy yours to avoid disappointment, as you don't want to miss this amazing performance.

App of the WEEK

An app we use continuously in school is DoInk Green Screen. This app allows you to turn any flat surface into an interactive filming space. The great thing about this app is that you do not need to have a green wall; any flat block of colour will work just as well so long as you change the settings.

You can layer film and audio on top of a blank canvas and then select a still image or a film to act as a back drop.

The children could be exploring space, running from dinosaurs or diving deep into the ocean; the only limit is your imagination.