23rd April

Update from MS. Reid

I feel very proud to welcome you all to the new summer term. The sun has really had it's hat on. It has truly been a wonderful summer weekend and it was lovely to see the families in our local park picnicking and having fun. Let us hope for some more as we get into May and June. Channeling the warmth and fun that Summer inspires is what we do well in Shacklewell.

I hope you have received our new curriculum leaflets from your child's class teacher. These contain the essential themes, concepts and learning we hope will enthuse everyone. Shortly our new home learning Maker Mats will be coming home. This term you will see our new, exciting and creative ideas for you all to enjoy.

Our Years 2 and 6 pupils are in their revision phase for their final KS1 and KS2 exams. With this in mind we will be offering these parents an information session explaining the administration and offering advice on how to support their children may they be worried or anxious.

Other News

You should have all received our Summer key dates calendar outlining the big summer events and like any other summer this one promises to be a big one for us! First and foremost it will be our annual Sports Day event at Finsbury Park and I am already in secret training to defend my title as the fastest female teacher! We also have our summer show and numerous trips, special events including our Year 6 graduation and after party. There are lots to keep us busy, even the World Cup!

Thank you for helping to make the start of the school day calm and organised allowing the smooth transition of the classes from the playground to the classrooms. Please continue to wait at the back of the class lines at 8:50am, allowing the children to settle and walk in ready for their day. Teachers appreciate your cooperation in this way, it allows everyone to be ready for learning promptly.

Finally, part of our teaching and learning ethos we will continue to ensure all our children are challenged to achieve their full potential. In all lessons we encourage pupils to be more aware of how they can challenge themselves, to take responsibility for their own learning and progress. At Shacklewell, pupils see challenge as making themselves better, succeeding in something, and improving their skills and understanding.

Shacklewell Families

Have you noticed our name change? We have changed our name from SPA to the more inclusive Shacklewell Families.

Shacklewell Day - Friday 11th May

Our next big event is approaching fast. Come and enjoy and share in our many communities at Shacklewell! Share your culture and help raise money for our school.

Bring a dish, wear something traditional, organise a game, play music that represents you, your family, or your culture.

Let us know if you would like to contribute food or entertainment

Shacklewell Families: Dates for your diary

FRIDAY 27th APRIL 9:00

SPA Meeting in the Community Room

All Shacklewell families welcome!

FRIDAY 27th APRIL 3:30

Cake Sale


Deadline for signing up for a Castles board


Deadline for entries to our Logo Competition

FRIDAY 11th MAY from 3:45

Shacklewell Day


Summer Fair

Want to raise £20 for the school?

Castles Estate Agents are sponsoring our Summer Fair. For each advertising board we can host we get £20!

If you and any local friends, family, neighbours or businesses are happy to have a board outside your home or local office for 3 weeks it’s a really easy way for us to raise money.

You don’t have to own your home to have an advertising board. Last year 80 families signed up - let’s try and make it 100 this year and raise £2,000!!

Please email spa@newwavefederation.co.uk with your name & address if you’d like to sign up.

The deadline is Monday 30th April so please don’t hang about

Logo Competition

We’re eagerly awaiting entries to our logo competition! Design a symbol, drawing or even collage that we can use to represent Shacklewell Families.

Remember, we want an image only - no text or writing.

Email your entry to spa@newwavefederation.co.uk or hand it to the school office marked Logo Competition. Either way, make sure you include the artist’s full name & class number.

The deadline is Tuesday May 1st so get creating!

Honesty Library!

Next week we will launch the Honesty Library with a coffee and tea morning.

The shelves are built and ready to go so now all we need are those final donations to ensure the children get the best chance to find a book that interests them!

Please donate any cared for books at the front office.


We're running the Hackney Half Marathon!

39 children, 6 teachers and at least 5 parents are participating in this year's Hackney Half Marathon. If you're running this year and you'd like to be part of Team Shacklewell please let us know!

We'll be raising money for Shacklewell through our GoFundMe page.

Please spread the word & give generously


Contact Us

Shacklewell Families have a new Instagram ​page!

Follow us to keep up to date with Shacklewell Families projects and upcoming events.

We are also on Twitter​ and Facebook​

•Twitter is: @Shacklewell_PA

•Search for Shacklewell Parents on Facebook

Email us at spa@newwavefederation.co.uk to find out more on how you can become involved.

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8