21st May

Update from MS. Reid

It was of course the Hackney Half Marathon this weekend! The Shacklewell runners included staff and pupils from Years 4,5 and 6. They joined other Hackney youngsters to run the streets in the thrilling and inspirational Virgin Sports Challenge. I would like to thank Bev in her role as coordinator for the Federation. Owing to her contribution pupils, families and staff have been given lifelong memories of the event and we have received important messages about sport and keeping healthy; thank you so much Bev!

As part of our end of SATs celebration last Friday, our Year 6 pupils were rewarded with a trip to our local cinema followed by a picnic in London Fields. Everyone was able to chat and chill out with their friends as a brilliant way to shake off the SATs. As further acknowledgement of all their hard work in their final year of primary school and before they embark on a new phase in their education, we will be taking them out on as many trips as possible during their remaining weeks at Shacklewell.

With the final half term only a few days away, we are very conscious of the rapid approach to the end of the summer term in July. To bring energy, engagement and fun into the second half of the term, we will be taking part in a wide variety of special events. Please check our school website for more information as well as the key dates calendar that will be coming out shortly.

Finally, our Summer fair is fast approaching and the Shacklewell Families are looking for volunteers to help out on the day, Saturday 30th. If you would like to get involved with the event, please speak with a member of the team or leave a message with Betty in the school office.

Have a safe and restful half term break and I am looking forward to hearing all about the fun things you get up to when we return to school on Monday 4th June.

UPdate from Shacklewell Families


  • Summer Fair planning launch meeting

Wednesday 23rd May- 7.30pm- The Londesborough


Thursday 24th May - 9.00am- Community Room


Saturday 30th June

Shacklewell Summer Fair!

Just over a month to go until our Summer Fair!

We will begin planning this week, so please come along to one of our meetings to get involved. We have scheduled an evening meeting on Wednesday as well as our usual morning meeting which will happen on Thursday. This is to give working parents more of an opportunity to be involved.

Can’t make the meeting? Don’t worry!

Contact us on: ​spa@newwavefederation.co.uk

Remember these events only ever happen with your help!

Cycle Training in Year 5

Last week was the return of Bike-a-bility for Year 5. The children were assessed on their ability to ride a bike and confidently and safely before being taken out on to Hackney's roads. The children absolutely loved getting out and about and the learnt some very important lessons about safety and security when riding. Well done to all out riders!

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8