18th June

Update from MS. Reid

Dear all,

I would like to extend an appreciative thank you to our families, who sent some festive food for the staff on Friday as part of the Eid celebration. We hope you all had a wonderful and festive time with all your families and friends.

To help you all make the last four weeks of the term as creative and rewarding as possible we are setting some final summer challenges. Firstly, I would like all pupils to think about reading as wide a range of genres as possible; read something different, try something new and use the Reading Journals to record your reading experiences. If you have not read a lot of poetry, read a classical poem or even a humorous one; if you have never tried a longer novel-go for it this summer! Secondly take look at the new Home Learning Maker Mat and try something new - challenge yourself

Shacklewell Families are looking for more volunteers to come forward and help with the Summer Fair. Please contact the school office or approach Mr McGrath or myself to share your ideas. We always rely on your help and support.

All classes are busy finalising plans for the end of year trips to celebrate the end of a fantastic academic year. Please look out for permission letters coming home to you shortly.

As you are aware Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) lessons are about to take place in all classes over the next few weeks. If you have missed the SRE parent drop-in sessions last Thursday, you still have the opportunity to talk to your class teacher about it. They will be more than happy to give you an outline of the SRE sessions.

Finally, I would like to update the school community on the Year 6 classrooms- the hut in the KS2 playground. We currently have contractors visiting the site with build works scheduled to commence during the Summer. We are looking forward to modernising the learning space for our older pupils. I will keep you informed about any changes.

Looking forward to seeing you all at Sports Day tomorrow!

Shacklewell Families

Shacklewell Summer Fair!

Our final event of the year is almost upon us. We have a Circus theme this year so if you have any skills you’d like to share then let us know!

Can you run a BBQ?

If so, we need your fabulous barbecue skills to help set up and run the barbecue on the day.

Can you volunteer?

We are still looking for volunteers to help on the day. Even if it’s just for half an hour to help us set up or clean up after the event, we still need you!

Tasmin is project managing our fair. If you would like to sign up to help, there is a volunteer list below, or contact Tasmin on: ​wanyink@gmail.com

Click here for the sign up list

Raffle tickets for the fair will be on sale from tomorrow and we have some fab prizes!

Remember, everything you contribute goes to the school towards equipment and activities for our children.


Friday’s Cake Sale made £160 so thanks to everyone who made, bought and ate cakes!

Eid Mubarak

On Friday our Muslim community celebrated Eid-al-Fitr.

As part of the celebrations the community give tokens of charity to worthy causes.

This year we have been very fortunate that a huge £105 has been donated to the school as a result of this.

Thank you!

University Trips

Working with a wide range of partners is crucial for us here at Shacklewell. This year we have been incredibly lucky to be able to demonstrate the possibilities of studying at university.

Children in Year 5 have spent time at City University, focused on computer science and engineering.

On Thursday 21st June, 30 children from across Year 5 and 6 will head off to London Metropolitan University.

The aim of the trip is to give the children a taste for higher education and to show them that anybody, from anywhere, can study at university.

They will have sample lectures, meet with current students and also get to ask questions to lecturers and teachers about what they need to do in order to access university in later life.

Bike Around The Borough

The summer of sport is truly upon us! Tomorrow we have Sports Day, we have already run the Hackney half and then on 28th June, we have Bike Around the Borough.

This annual, and now record breaking mass cycle brings together schools from across Hackney to travel through the borough on their bikes. They will cover 9 miles and will visit all the major Hackney park and landmarks.

The bikes have been seen to last week by Dr. Bike and the children are raring to go, so we wish them all the best on the big day.

Have a look at the video from last year to get a taste of the event!

British Film INstitute

At Shacklewell we always encourage our children to look outside their experiences to develop new perspectives on the world.

This year, the children in Year 5 have been working with resilience and creativity to direct, film and produce a movie about a topic that interests them.

The films will be showcased this Friday at the British Film Institute and they will demonstrate how the children have applied themselves to an incredibly sophisticated project.

All being well we will be able to share some of the work with our wider community in the coming weeks, so keep you eyes peeled to see if you can spot the next Ridley Scott or Steve McQueen!

App of the WEEK

This week we are pleased to announce the return of 'App of the Week'

In school, as in life, we occasionally over look things that we have been used to for a long time and Pages is one of these things.

Launched on Friday, Pages 4.1 is a game changer for creativity, artistic digital work and book publishing.

Available on any Apple device, Pages now allows you to sketch, combine videos and photographs and record your voice.

You can also, and this is why we're so excited about it in school, publish your own books with a few clicks.

Definitely worth a look for a digital reading journal, a World Cup score sheet or to record the highlights of the upcoming school holidays.

Who to follow on Twitter?

All of our teachers are on Twitter and they love to share the learning of their children.

Instead of waiting for the school account to retweet them, why not go directly to the teacher's accounts?

Here are a few to get you started.