14th May

Update from MS. Reid

As many of you already know, beginning this week, important statutory testing is taking place in all primary schools in England. The pupils in Year 2 and 6 will be taking their SATs which include a mixture of English and Mathematics tests. The children have been working very hard throughout the school year in preparation for these examinations. We are very proud of all our children and we know how much effort they have put in and we would like to wish our Year 2 and 6 pupils the very best of luck!

Last Friday's Shacklewell Day was a huge success, on behalf of the entire school community, I would like to thank everyone who made the delicious international food for the families to enjoy. Also a special thank you to the parents and teachers, who organised the wonderful musical performances and the enchanting choir. It was lovely to see all the families in such high spirits enjoying the Friday atmosphere in the playground- Shacklewell at its best!

Endeavouring for success and pushing yourself beyond your limits is part of life of course, and this will certainly be true this Sunday as some of our Shackelwell pupils and teachers will be taking part in the Hackney Half Marathon. The children will run their final mile, having run each of the other twelve miles on Friday afternoons. If you would like to support the children with their fundraising efforts then please visit this page. It is sure to be great fun and remember you can line the route and cheer us on!

Have a great week!

UPdate from Shacklewell Families


On Friday night the school was a mass of colour, tastes and music from around the world.

A huge thank you to everyone who came to Shacklewell day. There was a great atmosphere and fantastic turn out and as a community we raised £660!

Thank you to all the families that contributed, both in the preparation and on the day.

Next up from Shacklewell Families is the Summer Fair on the 30th of June.

To make this the best event ever we need your help!

Come to our planning meeting on Tuesday the 22nd May at 7.30pm, or our meeting on the 24th May at 9am in the Community room.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it. You can email us at: spa@newwavefederation.co.uk to find out more or volunteer.

Shacklewell Families Logo

Well done to Harry in 5S for this stunning design for our new logo! Voted for by 8 judges it was the clear winner because of its focus on how, as a varied community, we can work together to help one another. Thank you to all the children who took part.

Sporting Success

The past week has seen Shacklewell take part in some excellent sporting opportinuies accross the borough.

Our children have been to Clissold Park to play tennis against other schools in the local area.

We also had our cycling team head to Hackney Downs for fixed gear cycling which they absolutley loved!

We also had boys and girls from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 participate in the Hackney football competition which had a grand prize of playing at the new Tottenham stadium! Whilst none of the teams progressed to the finals, they wore the school badge with pride and did a fantastic job representing Shacklewell!

Not all games require a park or a team and one of very own, Daniel in 4S, took part in the CCF Chess tournament last week, representing Shacklewell. He won 5 out of his 7 matches and he came 5th out of 35 players, which is an absolutely great result!

Well done to Daniel and all our sports stars!

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8