11th June

Update from MS. Reid

Dear Families,

I hope you are busy looking for your child's house colour top to wear to Shacklewell Sports Day next Tuesday at Finsbury Park. Yes, it is that time of year again, when the children will be racing, jumping and throwing, to see who is the fastest, strongest and who can throw the furthest. For all the staff, parents and carers who would like to take part, hopefully to win, there will be opportunities to do so this year again! Take the usual precautions with regards to sun block and hats; we will provide the water. Please be reminded that at the end you will need to check with your child's class teacher before you take them home with you after the event, if you wish to do so. If you are unsure about the event please check with Betty in the school office.

Another annual event taking place next week, Thursday 21st is our 'Teddy Bear's Picnic' for our Reception 2018 cohort. This will enable all the pupils to meet each other as well as to see and meet the staff who will be teaching them in September. The children will of course be bringing their favourite cuddly toy as well. We welcome them all.

Last Wednesday we had our School Improvement visit from Hackney Learning Trust which went exceptionally well. Our School adviser agreed with the school's overall direction and self evaluation of its current status.

Finally, two incredible events are currently being remembered in 2018. It is the one hundred years since women achieved the vote and seventy years since the S S Empire Windrush arrived in Britain. Shacklewell will take part in both celebrations this summer by holding some commemorative events.

Shacklewell Families

Shacklewell Summer Fair!

It’s not long until our annual Summer fair. We still need more parents to volunteer their time to make this event great!

If you think that you can spare an hour or two then we need help with:

● decorations

● setting up

● clearing up

● food stalls

If you are a keen cook and think you can contribute by running a food stall then please let us know. We are especially looking for hot food; Turkish or Caribbean would be great.

If you think you can help, please get in touch with either Tasmin (project manager) at: wabyink@gmail.com​ or, Naomi (Acting chair) or Dan (secretary) at: ​spa@newwavefederation.co.uk

Dates for your diary:

  • Friday 15 June: EGM meeting and Summer fair planning 9am Community Room

  • Friday 15 June: Cake Sale - in celebration of Eid 3.30 pm

  • Saturday 30th June: Summer Fair 12 - 3pm

Year 6 Production

It is that time of the year again!

The school is full of the sights and sounds of the Year 6 children practising for their end of year performance.

This year, in conjunction with our friends at Grazebrook and Woodberry Down, our year 6 are being cast away to a tropical island.

The children will overcome challenges and work together all in the hope of winning the race across the island.

There will be two performances on the 17th July at BSix college, 10.30am and 2pm. You can purchase your tickets from the school office.

This year the children are going to bring down the house so please get your tickets soon!

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8