26th March 2021

Dear families,

This week the school has been alive with creativity as the children completed their collaborative art projects. These projects are now pride of place in the school hall. The children have been tasked with recreating the style of an over looked modern artist. The creators have been marginalised as a result of their gender, colour or for being a member of the LGBTQ+ community. The conversations about the artists as well as the progression of the children's skills has been truly inspiring. We have included a small selection of the work, along with the mood board that inspired the children, below. I am sure you will agree that the children (and teachers) have done an absolutely incredible job.

It has been a difficult week for some in our community as we had to make the decision to close Year 2 as a result of a positive coronavirus test. I know the extra stress and strain this places on families but I know too that your understand why we have to make these difficult decisions. Thank you for you support in ensuring the reignited home learning routines have been successful.

On Thursday we have our parent consultations which will be held on Google Meet. Ahead of these meetings you will be receiving a break down of your child's performance in the recent PIRA/PUMA tests. In the EYFS the staff are creating a document which shows a snap shot of the children's progress since the restart. These documents will help shape your conversations with the teacher.

Enjoy a restful and safe weekend,


Wednesday 31st March: School closes to children at 3.15pm/3.30pm

Thursday 1st April: Parent Consultations

Monday 19th April: School opens for all pupils

Tuesday 29th June: Sports Day

Monday 12th July: Year 6 Residential

Bulletin 26.3.21
  • This week Year 1 have been investigating how well their bulbs have grown since planting them last week. They were shocked to discover some bulbs had grown stems 3cm long and others did not have stems at all yet. In history, Year 1 have made some houses in the style of homes from 1666 and made a list for all the things Samuel Pepys took from his home before fleeing. They then compared this to what they would save if they faced the same scenario. The children have also been very creative in their design and technology. It was wonderful to see their artwork on display in the hall. Our Shacklewell Gallery is the very best place to sit and enjoy lunch.

  • Year 2 had a great start to their week by flexing their tech skills. They used the app Clips to discuss what they learnt about the Windrush generation. Rightfully, Year 2 were outraged at the prejudice that these people faced. In science, Year 2 used Clips to show how to plant a hedge. Sadly on Wednesday their bubble went into another closure but despite this the children's spirits were not dampened. They have worked hard at creating plans for biographies of their very own 'Fantastically Great Women', influenced by our writing book. The team are so excited to see what else Year 2 create during the closure and are already so proud of their hard work and flexibility.

  • This week Year 3 have been very creative in their design and technology and their history lessons. In design technology, Year 3 were able to bring their prototypes to life using recycled materials. They demonstrated good understanding of what makes a strong structure whilst reasoning why the people in Indonesia would benefit from the different features of their shelter. In history, Year 3 created a colour wheel to illustrate the different seasons in Ancient Egypt and how this influenced farming, learning and being fascinated at how innovative the Ancient Egyptians really were.

Bulletin photos
  • Year 4 have been busy learning about time in maths this week. They have been converting between units of time and answering questions. In writing, they made connections to their history learning about the Anglo-Saxons, creating amazing fact files about life in the Anglo-Saxon era. During art, the children created wonderful pieces in the style of Lee Krasner, which are now on display in the hall, showcasing their outstanding creativity skills. In SFA, some of the children got to interview and speak to two evacuees of WW2 linked to their book which brought their learning to life and their inquisitive nature made the school very proud.

  • Year 5 have been learning all about angles and how to use protractors this week in maths. They practised measuring and drawing angles in the style of Kandinsky. In history, the children furthered their knowledge of Ancient Greece and were introduced to famous thinkers: Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. They were amazed to discover that even Plato needed an alarm clock to wake him up for work (even though his looked a lot different to ours nowadays). In writing, children wrote some wonderful poems about all the ingredients that make up our amazing year 5 family.

  • Year 6 have been incredibly creative this week. They have used their understanding of line, pattern and composition to create some beautiful artwork, and have applied their knowledge of figurative language, assonance and alliteration to write incredible poetry. In maths, they have been looking at statistics, using and showing information in a variety of pictorial ways. Their knowledge of scientific investigations came in handy when they explored double shadows as part of our unit on light.

Bulletin Photos