12th March 2021

Dear families,

What an absolute joy to have had all the children in school this week. It has been so impressive to see how quickly they got back into the swing of things with their routines and the expectations of school. It is also clear to us that as families you have been doing your very best to ensure the children came back to school ready both emotionally and academically. Thank you for your commitment to our shared vision and for working so tirelessly over the past couple of months to support your children. It has really made a positive difference to the restart.

Since the children returned there has been no time wasted ensuring that they are being given every opportunity to make quick progress towards their end of year objectives. Class timetables have been reorganised, whole school spaces have been re-designated and adult allocations have been altered in order to promote the very best for all of our children. Our academic focus remains on the core skills of mathematics and reading but a significant part of this effort is also on the wider curriculum knowledge and skills. The classrooms and outdoor spaces have been alive with discussions about the best Egyptian gods, what ways London has changed since 1668 and how best to plant and maintain bulbs and seedlings. Our children continue to love learning and as teachers we are working hard to inspire them to ask big questions and forge new connections in their knowledge.

Below is a short update from each section of the school which highlights the excellent work happening since the restart. We have also incorporated a 'Frequently Asked Questions' section at the end of the bulletin to help answer some of those questions that the teachers, leaders and the office have been answering over the past week or so.

Have a safe and restful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Friday 12th March: Year 5 & 6 Covid Tests

Tuesday 16th March: Year 1 children return to school

Friday 19th March: Year 5 & 6 Covid Tests

Friday 27th March: Parent Council

Friday 27th March: Year 5 & 6 Covid Tests

Thursday 1st April: Parent Consultations

  • Year 1 - It has been wonderful to fill our year 1 classrooms this week and we cannot wait for the return of the rest of the cohort on the 16th. In history, they have discovered John Evelyn’s diary and decided Samuel Pepys must be telling the truth because their recounts are so similar. In science, year 1 have celebrated the start of the good weather by planting bulbs and even created a water rota to make sure the plants grow well.

  • Year 2 - The children have loved being back at school… and what a busy week it was! Year 2 have learnt about significant medics in history, including Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. In maths, the children finished their topic on money and it is great to see how confidently they are using the correct coins and even giving the right amount of change. The children are still excited about exploring their writing book 'That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown' and particularly enjoyed navigating the differences between a biography and an autobiography. In science, the children enjoyed the return of some of the nice weather and went outside to the allotment to plant their own bulbs- they cannot wait to see how they grow!

  • Year 3 - Year 3 have had a scientifically spectacular week. They have used their knowledge of what a ‘testable question’ is to investigate how long skittles take to lose their colour. The children were incredibly curious and have written some follow up questions to explore in the future. They have also been brilliant historians - exploring religion in Ancient Egypt. The discussions were passionate and interesting, especially when exploring whether there are any female goddesses in any major religions. The children even managed a spot of gardening, planting some gladiolas to help children from other year groups with their science learning.

  • Year 4 - This week year 4 have been revisiting and consolidating their knowledge of place value, ordering and comparing decimals as well as multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. In history, they have been building on their knowledge of the Romans by learning about the Anglo-Saxons. The children had an incredible time recreating Islamic patterns in art while producing some outstanding pieces of art with their precise attention to detail.

  • Year 5 - Pupils have been reading about 'The Valley of Lost Secrets' this week and mastering how to use modal verbs and adverbs in their writing. Focusing on Ancient Greece, year 5 have been learning about important artefacts such as pottery and learning about Greek warfare. In science, they have been learning about the solar system and comparing the eight planets in our solar system by creating informative e-books.

  • Year 6 - Continuing with their new history topic, year 6 used primary and secondary sources to discover what life was like in Victorian Britain. They've also used technology to create a news programme reporting on the Education Elementary Act in 1880. In science, they discovered how light travels and created explanations and diagrams to demonstrate their understanding. They have enjoyed reading 'The Space We're In' by Katya Balen with many of them have shown empathy towards the characters.

What safety measures are in place in school?

We use guidance from the Department for Education who work in conjunction with Public Health England in order to implement a system of measures to create a safer environment for pupils and staff.

The children are in year group ‘bubbles’ that do not mix in order to limit any transmission of the virus. Each bubble has their own play equipment and allocated slots to use the lunch hall and play areas.

We keep learning areas well ventilated and have enhanced cleaning routines that take place daily. This includes the regular wiping of door handles and work stations in communal areas that bubbles move through.

Children continue to be supported to clean their hands often, especially after breaks and lunch time. We have hand sanitiser stations throughout the school to allow for this.

Why has the Year 3 gate changed at pick up times?

The year 3 pick up area has changed due to the volume of families picking up at the end of the day. We felt it would be safer for the year 3 families to collect the children from inside the school to clear the road and reduce the amount of mixing taking place at street level.

In addition, adding a queuing system has helped the flow of people into the school premises.

We know this isn't ideal and are working to find other solutions in the summer term as national restrictions ease.

In the meantime we appreciate your patience.

Do I need to get my child tested before they can come to school?

We are currently taking part in a pilot testing programme for children in year five and six. If your child is in these year groups you can book a slot and accompany your child to administer a rapid flow test.

Households, childcare and support bubbles of primary students are able to access rapid testing and advised to do so regularly.

You can attend a rapid flow test site, collect home testing kits or order home testing kits online.

If you, or anyone in your household tests positive for Covid-19 please contact the school as soon as possible.