2nd March

Dear families,

the first week back to school has been very successful. The children have settled into their new science topics incredibly well. They have also enjoyed their first writing week, examining the style and language in a new story. This week they will invent their own original stories using the approach of their class author.

A major event for us at Shacklewell this week is World Book Day. This year we are celebrating by dressing up as our favourite characters from stories we love. We will also share stories, listen to new authors and read our books throughout the day. Some children will also visit Stoke Newington Bookshop to spend their £1 vouchers and collect some brand new books for their class library. I know that a new costume can be expensive, and in all honesty I would rather the money spent on books, so I have reminded the children to recycle and reuse items they may have already to create their costumes. If you are looking for advice or guidance about World Book Day then click this link.

Over the coming weeks we have a great number of ways for families to get involved with school. We have redesigned our Come Learn with Me for this half term so that they have a science focus. Children in Year 3, 4 and 5 will work with their families on a range of exciting scientific investigations on Thursday 12th (Year 5), Thursday 19th (Year 4) and Thursday 2nd April (Year 3). All of these sessions will run from 9.00am-10.00am and we are looking forward to welcoming families to these events.

Alongside these science events we are also getting ready for a busy term of assessments in summer 1 by hosting parent information sessions before the Easter break. Children in Year 6 will complete their national exams in May 2020 and to help families prepare we are hosting a Year 6 SATs information event on Tuesday 17th March at 3.30pm. The children in Year 1 will be completing an assessment of their phonics in June. This Phonics Screening Check is a great way to identify potential gaps in the children's phonetic knowledge and to support families understanding of this we will be running a parent session on Tuesday 31st at 9.00am. Our final assessment parent session this half term will be for Year 4. This year the children in Year 4 will sit an electronic test called the Multiplication Times tables Check. This new national assessment is designed to check the children's abilities to recall the multiplication tables. To help the families in Year 4 understand this new assessment we will be running a parent session on Thursday 2nd April at 3.30pm. In addition to the above we will also be hosting Parent Consultation evening on Thursday 26th March.

Here at Shacklewell we understand that we are part of the wider local and national community, and as a result we have to be mindful of events occurring outside our immediate experience. Whilst we are not explicitly talking about coronavirus with the children we have increased our monitoring of good hygiene practices. Children are told to wash their hands before and after being in the playground and before lunchtime. We have increased our number of hand sanitisers in the building and have plans to add hand washing facilities to each playground. We understand parental concern about this issue and we are working to find the right balance so that our day to day school work continues uninterrupted.

As always if you have any questions about the bulletin or events at school then please do not hesitate to contact me,


Key Dates

Monday 2nd March - Year 2 Mock SATs week

Monday 2nd March - Year 1 PP Library visit

Tuesday 3rd March - Year 1 trip to Butterfield Green

Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

Thursday 5th March - Year 3 Wolves in the Wall trip

Friday 6th March - 5W Sharing Assembly @ 10.00am

Friday 6th March - Year 1 & 2 Storytelling Yoga workshop

Friday 6th March - Year 2 trip to Kew Gardens

Friday 6th March - Year 6 Young Hackney group

Monday 9th March - Coram Life Bus on site all week

Monday 9th March - Sky Class Library visit

Tuesday 10th March - Year 1 trip to Butterfield Green

Wednesday 11th March - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Thursday 12th March - Year 5 Science parent session

Friday 13th March - Reception Storytelling Yoga workshops

Friday 13th March - 4W Sharing Assembly

Friday 13th March - Cycling competition Years 4, 5 and 6

Monday 16th March - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Monday 16th March - Sky Class Library trip

Tuesday 17th March - Year 6 SATs Parents meeting - 3.30pm

Tuesday 17th March - Year 1 trip to Butterfield Green

Thursday 19th March - Year 4 Science Parent session

Thursday 19th March - Apollo Music trip

Friday 20th March - 3W Sharing Assembly @ 10.00am

Monday 23rd March - Hamlet Year 6 workshops

Monday 23rd March - Aqua class library visit

Thursday 26th March - Parent Consultations

Friday 27th March - 2W Sharing Assembly @10.00am

Friday 27th March - Year 1 trip to Hackney City Farm

Friday 27th March - Easter/Spring Fair @ 3.45pm

Monday 30th March - Aqua class library visit

Tuesday 31st March - Year 1 Parents Phonics Session - 9.00am

Monday 30th March - Year 6 Hamlet trip

Tuesday 31st March - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Thursday 2nd April - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Thursday 2nd April - Year 3 Science Parent session

Thursday 2nd April - Year 4 MTc parents session - 3.30pm

Friday 3rd April - 1W Sharing Assembly @ 10.00am

Friday 3rd April - Parent Council @ 9.00am

Friday 3rd April - School closes at 2.00pm

This half term has begun with 'Writing Weeks' in our KS1 and KS2 classes. Each class is reading a high quality story book and writing their own fiction inspired by these stories. The children in year two are taking great delight in writing to their new pen pal, a meerkat called Sonny, from the story 'Meerkat Mail' by Emily Gravett. Our class teachers are using these engaging writing experiences to motivate children to focus on handwriting and presentation too. Each week, teachers will be selecting a pupil that has demonstrated the resilience and focus when writing to make improvements in their presentation. They will be awarded with certificate in our weekly celebration assembly.

Our priorities on reading for pleasure have been bolstered by a refresh to our reading areas. We have purchased some new books for children to select and redesigned our book areas with a focus on making them easy to use for children. We will be promoting new and noteworthy readers as well as voting for favourite titles. To make sure the children stay interested in the selection we are rotating the titles made available to them. This will be reflected in books the children are bringing home to read.

Shacklewell Families meeting Friday 6th March 9am

Please join us on Friday for an EGM when will be nominating and voting in the new treasurers for Shacklewell Families. We shall also be discussing plans for our Spring Fair on Friday 27th March and any other business.

Spring Fair featuring The Great Shacklewell Bake Off

Friday 27th March 3.30- 5.30pm

We are so excited to be hosting our very own Bake Off competition again at Shacklewell. There will be lots of categories including Best Biscuit, Best Bread and of course The Showstopper. There will also be activities, games and face painting. We look forward to seeing what wonderful and delicious creations you all come up with! Please keep a look out for posters going up soon with more details. *Please note that all foods must not contain any nuts or sesame seeds.*

Shacklewell Families News

We are thrilled to say that at our last meeting we voted on giving the school £1000 for 3 brand new scooter racks, and £750 towards the Grow Your Own Playground provision. It is wonderful that we are in the position to contribute funds like this to the school, and the only reason we can is because of your continued support and generosity, so a huge thank you to you all.