27th January

Dear families,

what a miserable day weather wise! Here at Shacklewell we haven't let the adverse conditions dampen our spirits. Continuing our theme of curriculum enrichment and the culture of reading, today Year 5 and Year 4 headed off to explore the National Portrait Gallery and Dalston library respectively. Coming up this week the children in Year 6 will experience a Victorian schoolroom at the Vestry House Museum, Year 3 will explore the British Library Young Rebels workshop, Year 4 will visit the Postal Museum and Year 1 will continue their weekly excursions to Pudding Lane and Monument. This is not taking into account all of the fantastic sporting experiences on offer this week, including cross country, Year 3 football and girls' football.

This week we have several key events for families. The first is on Wednesday 29th, at both 8.30am and 3.40pm. These parent sessions will be focused on the Relationships and Sex curriculum and the proposed changes for the school syllabus. There will be a short presentation from myself then an opportunity for you to share your opinions and ask questions. These sessions will be in the top hall. On Friday 31st between 3.15pm - 4.00pm we have the art gallery opening in the top hall. This event is likely to very busy because all families are invited to visit the hall and admire the children's history inspired artistic creations.

We also have a host of year group specific family events this week. on Thursday 30th at 9.00am we have Year 3 Come Learn With Me. This is a great opportunity for the Year 3 children to work with their families on some curriculum focused art. Also this week families in Year 2 are welcome to join us for our Reading Breakfast on Friday 31st at 8.30am. These ever popular mornings are a great way to end the week and to spend precious time with your children sharing stories. Year 4S have a very exciting assembly planned for Friday 31st at 10.00am- looking forward to seeing you there.

It has been fantastic this term to be handing out so many certificates for attendance and punctuality during my Monday morning assemblies. Thank you for your support with this. The competition for the end of term attendance prize is really heating up so please continue to help your children and their class by ensuring they are here everyday and on time.

You will have noticed that the side entrance to the school has been closed over the past few days. This is as a result of a boundary wall issue but I am pleased to say that from Tuesday morning the side entrance will be open again. We may have to temporarily close the entrance in the coming weeks but we will be sure to keep you informed.

Have a great week and I am looking forward to seeing you at our various family events,


Key Dates

Monday 27th January - Year 5 to National Portrait Gallery

Monday 27th January - Year 4 PP trip to Dalston Library

Tuesday 28th January - 3W trip to British Library

Tuesday 28th January - Year 6 trip to Vestry House Museum

Tuesday 28th January - WAHMS parent workshop at 9.00am

Wednesday 29th January - Parent SRE sessions- 8.30am and 3.40pm

Thursday 30th January - Year 6 PP trip to Museum of London

Thursday 30th January - Year 3 Come Learn With Me at 9.00am

Thursday 30th January - Year 5 and 6 Cross Country league trip

Thursday 30th January - Five a side girls football at 3.30pm

Friday 31st January - Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 31st January - Year 2 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 31st January - 4S Sharing Assembly

Friday 31st January - Families Art Showcase - 3.15pm - 4.00pm

Monday 3rd February - 2W trip to Hackney Downs at 1.00pm

Monday 3rd February - Year 5 PP trip to Dalston library

Tuesday 4th February - 2W trip to Hackney Downs

Wednesday 5th February - Young Hackney Multi Skills trip

Thursday 6th February - Year 2 Come Learn With Me

Thursday 6th February - Cross Country league at 1.30pm

Friday 7th February - 3S Sharing Assembly

Friday 7th February - Shacklewell Families Disco

Monday 10th February - Year 6 at PGL

Monday 10th February -Parent/Carer SEN drop-in afternoon at 3.30pm

Wednesday 12th February - Young Hackney Racket festival

Wednesday 12th February - Parent/Carer SEN drop-in afternoon at 4.30pm

Thursday 13th February - Year 1 Come Learn With Me

Thursday 13th February - Apollo Music trip to Dream Centre at 11.30am

Friday 14th February - Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 14th February - Year 4 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 14th February - 2S Sharing Assembly

Friday 14th February - Years 5 & 6 Cycling competition

Friday 14th February - Bake Sale

This week we complete our KS2 visits to the British Library. Each year group participated in a ‘young rebels’ workshop at the library and all of the children had a brilliant time. During the workshop they explored characters in favourite children’s literature as well as being given the opportunity to view original artwork and manuscripts. The coordinators at the British Library commented on the exemplary behaviour all our KS2 children demonstrated. We are very proud of all the children who attended.

We have two weeks to go before our first ever Shacklewell Festival of Reading on Friday 7th February. The day looks set to be a brilliant opportunity to read and enjoy fiction, non-fiction and poetry together. We have visits from authors, storytellers and parent volunteers planned for all year groups to help inspire and motivate reading for pleasure amongst our classes. On the day we will be setting up a ‘Shacklewell Bookshop’ offering all children the chance to take a book home to keep. Some of the authors attending on the day will have copies of their books to sell should any of the children wish to purchase these titles too. To collect enough books to give every child the chance to take a book home is quite an ambitious challenge but one we are super excited to achieve. We are welcoming donations from families for this as well as taking trips to the second hand bookshops in the local area too.

Shacklewell Families Breakfast 31st January 9.00am

Please come and meet our co chairs Anna and Emily and find out a bit more about what Shacklewell Families is and what we do.

Disco Fever 7th February 4.30pm - 6.30pm

We are thrilled to announce that our next event will be a disco! There will be music, food, face paints and competitions. We are asking for your song suggestions so if there is a particular song you or your child would like to hear please email info@shacklewellfamilies.com.

Valentine’s Day Bake Sale Friday 14th February 3.30pm

We will be selling cakes and biscuits to raise money for Shacklewell Families. If you would like donate any baked items please leave them in the Community Room by 2pm on Friday 14th. Please note any food must not contain nuts or sesame seeds. Thank you!

As with all Shacklewell Families events we cannot put these events on without your help so if you would like to volunteer please join us on Friday at the meeting or email info@shacklewellfamilies.com

Key Dates

31 January Shacklewell Families Breakfast 9am

7 February Disco Fever 4.30-6.30pm

14 February Valentines Day bake sale 3.30pm

27 March Spring Fair 3.45 - 5.30pm

17 May Hackney Half.

[Date Change] 4 July Summer Fair