24th February

Dear families,

welcome back to school. I hope you all had a good break and that the poor weather didn't hinder your plans too much. The majority of my week was taken up training our my new puppy- so I am glad to be back.

This half term we have some key foci as a school- reading, science and presentation. Reading will continue to drive the entire curriculum as it has throughout the academic year. Our new daily teacher led reading sessions and our celebrations of World Book Day will strengthen the progress we have made with reading this year. New areas of focus this half term include our approach to science, standards in handwriting and our upcoming assessments.

Our science topics are outlined on the new knowledge organisers below. The children will cover a broad range of knowledge but most importantly the teachers and leaders will be developing the children's ability to work scientifically. This will include observing changes over time, asking questions and devising investigations whilst gathering data. In order to enrich our scientific curriculum children across the school will be taking part in varied trips and visits, including Hampstead Heath and Kew Gardens, which will bring the children's learning to life. I am also pleased to inform you that based on a new partnership with Petchey Academy some of our year 5 children will make weekly visits to their science laboratories.

In terms of handwriting and presentation, as a school we are reinvigorating the children's sense of pride in their written work. Well presented work is a clear sign that not only have children understood their learning but that they are proud of it. We will be incorporating more regular teaching of handwriting and each week we will be celebrating those children who make the most progress in this area of their learning. Please support your children at home by reminding them to sit correctly, hold their pencil properly and to take their time to create accurate, well laid out work.

This term all children in Year 1 to Year 5 will complete a maths and reading test. These assessments are designed to inform the teachers' existing knowledge of the children's progress and will build on the assessments completed at the end of the autumn term. They will also help to inform the conversations during Parent Consultations and to identify the next steps for all children.

I am looking forward to a productive and enjoyable spring 2 term, and as always, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me via the office, or speak to me in the playground.


Key Dates

Monday 24th February - Year 2 PP Library visit

Wednesday 26th February - Year 4S @ Hampstead Heath

Thursday 27th February - Year 4W @ Hampstead Heath

Friday 28th February - Yr 3 & 4 PP British Library trip

Friday 28th February - Year 1 Reading Breakfast @ 8.30am

Monday 2nd March - Year 2 Mock SATs week

Monday 2nd March - Year 1 PP Library visit

Tuesday 3rd March - Year 1 trip to Butterfield Green

Thursday 5th March - World Book Day

Thursday 5th March - Year 3 Wolves in the Wall trip

Friday 6th March - 5W Sharing Assembly @ 10.00am

Friday 6th March - Year 1 & 2 Storytelling Yoga workshop

Friday 6th March - Year 2 trip to Kew Gardens

Friday 6th March - Year 6 Young Hackney group

Monday 9th March - Coram Life Bus on site all week

Monday 9th March - Sky Class Library visit

Tuesday 10th March - Year 1 trip to Butterfield Green

Wednesday 11th March - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Thursday 12th March - Year 5 Science parent session

Friday 13th March - Reception Storytelling Yoga workshops

Friday 13th March - 4W Sharing Assembly

Friday 13th March - Cycling competition Years 4, 5 and 6

Monday 16th March - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Monday 16th March - Sky Class Library trip

Tuesday 17th March - Year 1 trip to Butterfield Green

Thursday 19th March - Year 4 Science Parent session

Thursday 19th March - Apollo Music trip

Friday 20th March - 3W Sharing Assembly @ 10.00am

Monday 23rd March - Hamlet Year 6 workshops

Monday 23rd March - Aqua class library visit

Thursday 26th March - Parent Consultations

Friday 27th March - 2W Sharing Assembly @10.00am

Friday 27th March - Year 1 trip to Hackney City Farm

Friday 27th March - Easter/Spring Fair @ 3.45pm

Monday 30th March - Aqua class library visit

Monday 30th March - Year 6 Hamlet trip

Tuesday 31st March - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Thursday 2nd April - Reception PP Little Adventures trip

Thursday 2nd April - Year 3 Science Parent session

Friday 3rd April - 1W Sharing Assembly @ 10.00am

Friday 3rd April - Parent Council @ 9.00am

Friday 3rd April - School closes at 2.00pm