20th January

Dear families,

Shacklewell has been a hive of activity this past week.

On Wednesday we welcomed the governing board into school. The governors were very impressed with the provision at Shacklewell and made particular comment about the learning environments, the depth and challenge in mathematics and the atmosphere for learning in the classrooms. This is a significant moment for the school and one that fosters an even closer working relationship with our governors.

This successful visit was followed on Thursday by a visit from Read Write Inc. The teachers work closely with our Read Write Inc partners to ensure that all learners continue to make the very best progress in all reading. It was a real privilege to hear that how we do things at Shacklewell is a model of great practice.

In addition to the Art Day last week (more information available below) the children across the school had a range of enriching experiences. In upper KS2 the children became forensic scientists as they worked with 'Thinkers in Education' to develop their problem solving skills and their scientific knowledge. Children in Year 6 also had the chance to think about the reliability of media as they became 'NewsWise' and unpicked the tools websites and newspapers use to manipulate stories. Meanwhile the children in Year 2 headed off to Clissold Park while Year 1 went to Monument and Pudding Lane to bring their history learning alive. Not to be out done by their peers, the children in Year 3 had a great time exploring the Egyptian galleries at the British Museum. As you can see from the calendar, this week promises to be another great week of curriculum enrichment for the children.

Finally, I have a request for help. To secure the children's historical understanding we are emphasising the different sources of information we use to learn about the past- this includes artefacts and real life items. if you have anything at home that is historically interesting that you would be able to to lend to us until the end of term we would be very appreciative. Old pieces of technology including VHS, floppy disks and vinyl would be great but so would newspapers, photographs and pieces of home ware. If you can help, then please drop them off to the office and ensure their is a clear label attached. Thank you in advance for you help.

Have a great week,


Key Dates

Monday 20th January - Year 4 PP trip to National Portrait Gallery

Monday 20th January - Year 3W trip to Dalston Library

Tuesday 21st January - 3S trip to British Library

Wednesday 22nd January - Young Hackney Basketball festival trip

Wednesday 22nd January - PGL parent session - 3.40pm

Thursday 23rd January - Year 4 Come Learn With Me at 9.00am

Friday 24th January - Year 1 trip to Monument Lane

Friday 24th January - Reception Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 24th January - 5S Sharing Assembly at 10.00am

Monday 27th January - Year 5 to National Portrait Gallery

Monday 27th January - Year 4 PP trip to Dalston Library

Tuesday 28th January - 3W trip to British Library

Tuesday 28th January - Year 6 trip to Vestry House Museum

Tuesday 28th January - WAHMS parent workshop at 9.00am

Wednesday 29th January - Parent SRE sessions- 8.30am and 3.40pm

Wednesday 29th January - Young Hackney Panathlon - 11.30am

Thursday 30th January - Year 6 PP trip to Museum of London

Thursday 30th January - Year 3 Come Learn With Me at 9.00am

Thursday 30th January - Year 5 and 6 Cross Country league trip

Thursday 30th January - Five a side girls football at 3.30pm

Friday 31st January - Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 31st January - Year 2 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 31st January - 4S Sharing Assembly

Friday 31st January - Families Art Showcase - 3.15pm

Monday 3rd February - 2W trip to Hackney Downs at 1.00pm

Monday 3rd February - Year 5 PP trip to Dalston library

Tuesday 4th February - 2W trip to Hackney Downs

Wednesday 5th February - Young Hackney Multi Skills trip

Thursday 6th February - Year 2 Come Learn With Me

Thursday 6th February - Cross Country league at 1.30pm

Friday 7th February - 3S Sharing Assembly

Friday 7th February - Shacklewell Families Disco

Monday 10th February - Year 6 at PGL

Monday 10th February -Parent/Carer SEN drop-in afternoon at 3.30pm

Wednesday 12th February - Young Hackney Racket festival

Wednesday 12th February - Parent/Carer SEN drop-in afternoon at 4.30pm

Thursday 13th February - Year 1 Come Learn With Me

Thursday 13th February - Apollo Music trip to Dream Centre at 11.30am

Friday 14th February - Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 14th February - Year 4 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 14th February - 2S Sharing Assembly

Friday 14th February - Years 5 & 6 Cycling competition

Friday 14th February - Bake Sale

Last Friday the school was buzzing with artistic energy as you can see in the above photographs.

The children were given a design brief which asked them to explore artistic ways of showcasing their curriculum knowledge.

The children practised and developed their techniques, based on the styles of famous artists. They then designed their own pieces, spoke with their classmates and adapted them before completing their first draft. In the afternoon the children created their final pieces.

The work is directly linked to their history curriculum and will be showcased in the school hall from this Friday afternoon. As you will all be very keen to come and see your children's work, we are hosting a gallery viewing from 3.15pm - 4.00pm on Friday 31st January. There is no need to book, simply pop into the hall during these times to marvel at the artistic talent in the school.

As the term progresses the children will continue to build their art skills each week, developing the techniques they established during Art Day.

Shacklewell Families Breakfast 31st January 9am

Please come and meet our co chairs Anna and Emily and find out a bit more about what Shacklewell Families is and what it is we do.

Disco Fever 7th February 4.30pm - 6.30pm

We are thrilled to announce that our next event will be a disco! There will be music, food, face paints and some competitions. We are asking for your song suggestions so if there is a particular song you or your child would like to hear please email info@shacklewellfamilies.com. As with all Shacklewell Families events we cannot put these events on without your help so if you would like to volunteer please join us on Friday at the meeting or email info@shacklewellfamilies.com

Key Dates

14 February Bake Sale

31 January Shacklewell Families Breakfast 9.00am

7 February Disco Fever 4.30pm-6.30pm

27 March Spring Fair 3.45pm - 5.30pm

17 May Hackney Half. Launch Go Fund Me Campaign on 26 April

27 June Summer Fair