13th January

Dear families,

Welcome back to another new term at Shacklewell. It has been great to hear all of the fantastic things that the children have experienced over the holidays.

This term we have three key foci which will underpin all of the work that we are doing. The first focus remains our drive and promotion of reading for pleasure. Reading fluently, enjoying different texts and sharing stories with others is vital to success in the future. We have already created and shared our reading resolutions for 2020 - my own is to read more non-fiction texts and this week the children will be asked to share their favourite texts, in the hopes they inspire their classmates to read different books.

Our second focus area this half term is history. The children will be thinking very carefully about how different events link across time. The children will also be exploring different ways of learning about the past including how to interpret artefacts and different sources. Children will also be able to explore a wider range of places as we develop our curriculum trips and visits this half term. Below are the curriculum maker mats which where shared last week. I love seeing the creative pieces you all make and am looking forward to this term's creations.

Our final focus this half term is to increase the opportunities to work in partnership with you. We passionately believe that a strong and purposeful working relationship with you as parents, will only bring success for the children. We have a range of parent and family events to look forward to this half term, as you will be able to see from the key dates section. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at these events.

As you will be aware the government have recently updated its guidance on how schools should teach relationships and sex education. As these changes come into place in September 2020 it is vital for us as a school community to work together to create a shared approach. There will be two parent sessions to discuss these changes on Wednesday 29th January at 8.30am and 3.40pm.

May I take this opportunity to remind families that bicycles and scooters are not to be taken into the playground at the start or the end of the day. Please also refrain from propping bicycles against the wall near the bike sheds as it narrows the main route to the playground at a very busy time of day. If you do ride a bike to school then please use the bike racks beside the office.

Finally, our mental health partnership with WAHMS continues this half term with the children working alongside the well-being ambassadors to think carefully about how we approach mental health. If you have 5 spare minutes may I ask you to complete this quick survey about the WAMHS project.

I hope you have a great week, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming family events,


Key Dates

Monday 13th January - 2W to Clissold Park

Monday 13th January - Reception/KS1 book bag parent meeting at 8.30am

Monday 13th January - 1W trip to Dalston Library

Wednesday 15th January - Year 5 PP trip to Museum of London

Friday 17th January - 5S trip to St Paul's Cathedral

Friday 17th January -Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 17th January - Year 6 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 17th January - 6S Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 17th January - TFL junior citizenship scheme trip at 1.00pm

Friday 17th January - Reception/KS1 book bag parent meeting at 3.10pm

Monday 20th January - Year 4 PP trip to National Portrait Gallery

Monday 20th January - Year 3 PP trip to Dalston Library

Tuesday 21st January - 3S trip to British Library

Wednesday 22nd January - Young Hackney Basketball festival trip

Wednesday 22nd January - PGL parent session - 3.40pm

Thursday 23rd January - Year 4 Come Learn With Me at 9.00am

Friday 24th January - Year 1 trip to Monument Lane

Friday 24th January - Reception Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 24th January - 5S Sharing Assembly at 10.00am

Monday 27th January - Year 5 to National Portrait Gallery

Monday 27th January - Year 4 PP trip to Dalston Library

Tuesday 28th January - 3W trip to British Library

Tuesday 28th January - Year 6 trip to Vestry House Museum

Tuesday 28th January - WAHMS parent workshop at 9.00am

Wednesday 29th January - Parent SRE sessions- 8.30am and 3.40pm

Wednesday 29th January - Young Hackney Panathlon - 11.30am

Thursday 30th January - Year 6 PP trip to Museum of London

Thursday 30th January - Year 3 Come Learn With Me at 9.00am

Thursday 30th January - Year 5 and 6 Cross Country league trip

Thursday 30th January - Five a side girls football at 3.30pm

Friday 31st January - Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 31st January - Year 2 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 31st January - 4S Sharing Assembly

Friday 31st January - Families Art Showcase - 3.15pm

Monday 3rd February - 2W trip to Hackney Downs at 1.00pm

Monday 3rd February - Year 5 PP trip to Dalston library

Tuesday 4th February - 2W trip to Hackney Downs

Wednesday 5th February - Young Hackney Multi Skills trip

Thursday 6th February - Year 2 Come Learn With Me

Thursday 6th February - Cross Country league at 1.30pm

Friday 7th February - 3S Sharing Assembly

Friday 7th February - Shacklewell Families Disco

Monday 10th February - Year 6 at PGL

Monday 10th February -Parent/Carer SEN drop-in afternoon at 3.30pm

Wednesday 12th February - Young Hackney Racket festival

Wednesday 12th February - Parent/Carer SEN drop-in afternoon at 4.30pm

Thursday 13th February - Year 1 Come Learn With Me

Thursday 13th February - Apollo Music trip to Dream Centre at 11.30am

Friday 14th February - Year 1 trip to Monument

Friday 14th February - Year 4 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Friday 14th February - 2S Sharing Assembly

Friday 14th February - Years 5 & 6 Cycling competition

We got straight in to our programme of promoting reading for pleasure last week with year four attending workshops at The British Library. The children have relished the opportunity to take part in these and the staff that run the workshops have commented on the exemplary behaviour of the children from Shacklewell too!

Our weekly visits to the library and parent events continue throughout the spring term. Check the key dates document and keep an eye out for text messages to see the which year groups are involved each week. We look forward to seeing our year six families for a reading breakfast this Friday.

For our upcoming Festival of Reading we would greatly appreciate some help and support to get a book into the hand of every child at the end of the day. We are requesting donations of books from families, we are looking to local companies to support us with monetary donations and we are hunting down bargains in charity shops. To be able to end our festival with an event in the hall whereby every child leaves with a book that they have chosen would be something really incredible.

In our own school library the team of KS2 librarians are doing a fantastic job rotating the stock so that children can find something new to read each time they visit with their class teacher. The children in Ms Havelock’s class were delighted to have the chance to all pick from the library for the winter break; we look forward to hearing all about their favourite reads in their reading albums.

Shacklewell Families Meeting Friday 17th January 9.00am

Please join us for our first Shacklewell Families meeting of 2020. We will have a debrief about the Winter fair, and discuss plans for the very exciting Disco Fever on 7th February

Shacklewell Families Breakfast 31st January 9am

Please come and meet our co chairs Anna and Emily and find out a bit more about what Shacklewell Families is and what it is we do.

Disco Fever 7th February 4.30-6.30pm

We are thrilled to announce that our next event will be a disco! There will be music, food, face paints and some competitions. We are asking for your song suggestions so if there is a particular song you or your child would like to hear please email info@shacklewellfamilies.com. As with all Shacklewell Families events we cannot put these events on without your help so if you would like to volunteer please join us on Friday at the meeting or email info@shacklewellfamilies.com

Key Dates

17 January Shacklewell Families meeting 9.00am

31 January Shacklewell Families Breakfast 9.00am

7 February Disco Fever 4.30pm-6.30pm

27 March Spring Fair 3.45pm - 5.30pm

17 May Hackney Half. Launch Go Fund Me Campaign on 26 April

27 June Summer Fair