22nd March 2019

Dear Shacklewell community,

another busy week at school has come and gone. Today we had a lively parent council meeting in which I was able to share with the group updates and planned events for the coming term. This included discussions around the Hackney 'School Streets' initiative, our summer project, 'Our Green Earth' and our plans to treat all children to an exciting trip in the second part of the summer term. We also learnt of the decision of our chair person Nicola Palmer to step down in the summer. If you are interested in this position please register you interest at the school office so we can organise the next steps.

General updates

As mentioned in the previous bulletin this was the first week in a new era for Shacklewell, as the children in Year 6 moved into their purpose built classrooms. They have absolutely loved their new learning spaces, which are equipped with multiple screens to showcase learning. The rooms are also much lighter and warmer than the previous classrooms but it has been a touch emotional watching the builders demolish the old classrooms. This morning we were also able to welcome the Chair of Governors, Mr Ben Plant to visit Shacklewell. He came to visit the new learning spaces and was very impressed with what he saw.

During the Easter break the contractors will be hard at work completing the project. It is their intention to give us access to our new KS2 playground as soon as we come back from the break! I cannot wait to see the children enjoying the redesigned space.

On Wednesday the school was visited by international colleagues from Israel. This group of teachers are leading a project on technology in their home city and came to Shacklewell to be inspired; they were not disappointed! The children did an amazing job of not only demonstrating their learning but also explaining why they did certain things and why they enjoyed coming to Shacklewell.

On Friday afternoon it was our privilege to welcome colleagues from Apple to Shacklewell. The visitors were here to learn how we combine our commitments to creativity and digital technology. They were amazed at how film making, photography, music and drawing with, the aid of technology has underpinned our curriculum. We have put together a book about this work and will be publishing it shortly.

I am pleased to be able to share with you some very important dates for our summer project 'Our Green Earth'. On Friday 26th April all families will be asked to join us in school to help us launch the new topic. Each class will be able to work with their parents to build, create or design something based on their area of study. To bring the project to an end we will invite you to an open afternoon to view our work. On the afternoon of Friday 24th May the children will showcase their learning in a whole school event to celebrate their learning.

Coming up this week, on Thursday 28th March, is parent's consultations. You can still make appointments through the website or via the office. Please make sure you take this opportunity to talk with your child's teacher about their year so far. The meetings will also provide a chance for you to ask questions about your child's progress and to look at their workbooks. If you have any questions about parent's consultations then contact myself or the office.

Have a great weekend,


Reception writing

The children in Reception have been producing some truly fantastic pieces of writing. This half term the children and teachers have been very focused on learning famous stories and being able to retell them. This week the children have been learning Hansel and Gretel and they have blown their teachers away with absolutely amazing recreations of the story.

Only 1 week to go until our fab spring fair!

Help raise money for Summer trips and provide our children with a day to remember!

Remember...all our events are run by volunteer parents and carers so every bit of help counts. No matter how big or small!

Don’t forget to make a hat for the mad hatters parade. The crazier the better! Don’t worry if you don’t get chance to make a hat at home...there will be a hat making table at the Fair. Enter your hat into the parade and you could win a prize for best hat!

We need volunteers on the day to help:

  • set up

  • Run a game/activity

  • Help in the kitchen

  • Help on the door

  • Clear up

Have a look at this list and see if there’s a specific job that you’d like to do. Also, if you think that you can help sell wristbands prior to the event then sign up here.

If you would like to make any decorations for the event or help on the day then please contact: info@shacklewellfamies.com