1st March 2019

Dear Shacklewell Community,

I hope you all had an excellent time over the half term break. It has been fantastic to hear of the exciting adventures that the children enjoyed. The children have also shared stories of how they spent time with their families and friends and it is clear that lots of you took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather.

Shacklewell has started this term as we mean to go on! The children have been busy developing their knowledge in new topic lessons. To find out more about what they will be learning this term please see the Knowledge Organisers below. We have also redesigned spaces within the school to make them more encouraging for quiet reading. The children have been reviewing their mathematics learning and developing their arithmetic skills. Children in the Reception have begun their magical journey into traditional stories while the Nursery are really going places with their new transport focused topic.

On Tuesday we launched a fantastic community venture. Children and families from across the school are being invited to join a mosaic masterclass. The ten week project will help the children develop their artistic skills whilst also giving our busy families a perfect time to create something amazing together.

Shacklewell learning w/b 25th Feb

This week the children, and wider national media, have been talking about a rather unpleasant online phenomenon. Unfortunately, many well meaning attempts to address the issue have resulted in further upset. As a school we have taken a very clear decision to not directly address this particular incident. Instead we passionately believe that if we equip the children with the tools to deal with any issues they may face online, knee jerk reactions to these occasional incidents are reduced. Please help us to minimise the worries the children may have by reassuring them that they can speak with you if they come across anything online that is upsetting. If you would like any further advice about internet safety please see the section below.

In the weeks ahead we have several big events. First up is World Book Day on Thursday 7th when the children can come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book. The day will be filled with reading and story sharing so keep an eye on the school's Twitter page to see what we get up to. The following week on Friday 15th is Red Nose Day when the children can come to school dressed in red. We would ask that if your child does decide to dress up, that they bring a small donation to help this great cause. We then have Year 2 Come Learn with Me on Thursday 21st and Year 1 Come Learn with Me on Thursday 4th April.

Perhaps the most important date for your diary this half term is Parent Consultations on Thursday 28th March. This is an excellent chance for you to meet with your child's teacher and discuss the progress they have made, alongside any areas for further development. The details on how to book a time to see your child's teacher will be sent out shortly.

I hope you have all have a great weekend,


As announced before the half term break, our summer project this year is 'Our Green Earth'. As part of the preparations for this we are doing work in our back garden.

On Tuesday 5th from 6.00pm-8.00pm staff and volunteers will be working on the back garden in order to get it ship shape for some fresh planting. If you have some spare time and fancy pitching in then please let me know on Monday as we intend to entirely clear the back garden. If you are unable to help with time perhaps we could borrow some tools? We need more garden gloves, secateurs and wheelbarrows. If you can spare any of this equipment on Tuesday evening then please drop it in at the office.

Finally, in order to develop the children's understanding of the importance of local action to address global issues, we are building bee hotels. In order to do this successfully we need some bamboo and clean, empty 2litre bottles. If you have anything you can spare then please drop them off to the office over the next week.

These are the spring 2 Knowledge Organisers

Spring Knowledge Organisers

Today was the day our Year 6 children found out about their school for next academic year. In order to support this process we are hosting a session for our Year 6 parents.

In conjunction with Young Hackney, next Friday 8th March from 3:45pm -4:30pm we will run a workshop about the transition to a new school. The session will address concerns that you or your child may have about the move to secondary school. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, following a short presentation.

If you have would like to find out more about this session, then please speak with the Year 6 teachers or Ms. Curnow.

As you may have experienced yourself, the children are experts at navigating the security filters and in-built age restrictions on many apps and websites.

Internet Matters’ is an amazing app designed to help parents talk about online safety issues with their children, and to ensure that they make smart choices to stay safe online.

It is aimed at children aged between 8-10 and allows them to think about what they would do if they were faced with different situations online; from cyber-bullying to sharing content with someone they don’t know

The interactive quizzes and games encourage parents and children to collaborate and talk about 9 different e-safety subjects.

Please click this link to visit the website to find out more.


Friday 29 March 3.45 - 5.45pm

Our Spring Fair is just around the corner… think Easter Eggs, mad hatters, games, food & more.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this event then please contact Naomi or Dan at info@shacklewellfamilies.com


Many of the children have signed up to run a mile every Friday after school which will culminate with them running their final mile at the Hackney Half Marathon on SUNDAY 19th MAY.

We also have many parents/guardians running on the day.

Last year we raised money for the school through a GoFundMe page where friends & family could sponsor runners with online donations.

We'd like to do that again this year but on a larger scale. Our aim is to raise money to enable all our children to go on SUMMER TRIPS. This will be financially difficult for the school without our help.

Our GoFundMe page will be here soon so watch this space!

If you or your child are running and you would like to know more then please contact Naomi or Dan at info@shacklewellfamilies.com


There are always new books being added to our honesty library in the Community Room.

Please go and borrow a book!

The library is open from 8.45 - 9am and 3.30 - 3.45pm

Happy reading!